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Jan 132010

Thanks to everyone who came out to see Arclyte and my band last night at the End.  We all had a blast.  Craig Schenker from Arclyte even came up and played sax on one of our songs, and it was great!

Tonight may be your last chance to see lo-fi/drone/experimental duo 84001 for the next few months.  They’re playing at Betty’s with Cortney Tidwel, Angela Messina, and the Cherry Blossoms.  I have word from Tim from 84001 that they may be taking a break from performing.  They WILL be playing on an upcoming ~ORE~ artist showcase however, so stay tuned for that.

If you’re not familiar with 84001, they are a loop-based, textural duo comprised of Jimmy Thorn and Tim Carey.  They are unique on the Nashville music scene (with the exception of Square People) in that every set of performances is an entirely new musical experience.  Think of it as the musical equivalent of learning the lines to a new play every show.  Part orchestrated and part improv, 84001 shows shift from slow-building dreamscapes into complex rhythmic sequences and back again before you realized what happened.   It’s true art unfolding before your eyes, and you will never see the same show twice.

Also playing is the omnipresent Cortney Tidwell (who may be playing with one of her new bands), The Cherry Blossoms, and noise goddess Angela Messina, whom you may know from Taiwan Deth, Tan as Fuck, and The New Faggot Cunts. The fun begins at 10pm at Betty’s Bar & Grill, Nashville, TN with 84001 most likely playing first.  Betty’s was the site of an unscheduled Thurston Moore noise performance the night Sonic Youth came to town, and it’s quickly becoming one of the best venues in town to see non-commercial music.

Hope to see you there.

Tony Youngblood

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