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Sep 192010

bentmonkeycage's Circuit Bent Furby

I’m very excited to announce three things. First, I am organizing a circuit-bending festival at Open Lot Nashville, taking place October 23rd. The festival will feature local and national circuit-bending performers, a circuit-bending workshop, and an art show of circuit-bent gear. The event is called The Circuit Bender’s Ball.  (Wikipedia’s entry on circuit-bending.)

Second: We are seeking performers for the ball. We’ve got some great names lined up already, but I can’t speak about them just yet. If you’d like to perform, please send a link to your project and a brief bio to tony@theatreintangible.com. We’re looking for performers who use circuit-bent and homemade electronic gear in their performances. This particular event is focused on experimental, non-rhythmic music — in other words, no dance, electronica, or rock bands. If you perform in said genres, you can still write us a performance proposal that focuses on textural, experimental, or aleatoric music. We are also seeking innovative visual artists, set designers, and video projectionists. I want the environment itself to feel like a different world, and I need the help of talented artists to do that. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, October 3rd, so get your proposals in fast.

Third: I have started a Nashville Hackerspace called HackNash. (Wikipedia entry on hackerspaces.) HackNash intends to be a meeting place for builders, breakers, and benders. If you’re into soldering or you love reading Make Magazine, then this is the group for you. My aim is for HackNash to be a sponsor for the Circuit Benders Ball and a place to foster local talent in the emerging Nashville Maker community. Intermediate and advanced makers are encouraged to host workshops. Our first meeting will be Thursday, September 23rd, 7pm at my house, and it will focus primarily on introductions and gadget show-and-tell. Join HackNash via our Facebook group.