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Jan 092011

Last week, Theatre Intangible released a very special New Year’s Download of the semi-super-group The Roving Scones. This week, I’m happy to announce that the group made the latest Beatles Covers show on the Nashville comedy podcast Happy for Apathy! Host Mark Anundson and I first met during WRVU dj training sessions. Fittingly, we were banned from the station around the same time.

Happy for Apathy is just one of the many great comedy podcasts Mark is involved with. I also recommend Happy Birthday Gary and Mangy Dog Radio Hour Whoopdee-Doo (also w/ Nashville comedian and film blogger Jesse Perry.)

Jan 062011

Tonight I was very fortunate to appear on the Nashville geek culture podcast Cinegeek, where we discussed the inevitable demise of tangible media, nipples on Barbie Dolls, The Walking Dead, and more! Check it out here and if you like it, subscribe to CineGeek in iTunes. It’s my favorite Nashville podcast!

It’s the beginning of 2011, and you know what that means! Best of 2010 lists are everywhere! I’ll be posting my best of 2010 films on The Film Talk blog tomorrow evening (Update: Part One is here.) DaveX posted his favorite recordings from 2010 over at Startling Moniker. (Check out our interview with DaveX and his Circuit Bender’s Ball performance here.)

To top it all off, I’ll be posting my 10 favorite Theatre Intangible podcasts from 2010 later in the week. What are your favorite?