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Mar 222011

Photo by Kim Sherman.

Podcast 55 features composer and Blair School of Music professor Stan Link live at Zeitgeist Gallery on March 15th as a part of their Indeterminacies series. Sanda Cox on alto flute. Nina Adell on voice. Josh McGuire on classical guitar. David Maddox was the discussion moderator. Photography by Kim Sherman.

Special thanks to Stan, Lesley Beeman, Lain York, David Maddox, Meagan Nordmann, Austin Alexander, the performers, and all the Zeitgeist audience members.

In partnership with Zeitgeist Gallery, Theatre Intangible will be recording and releasing future Indeterminacies shows. Next up is Mark Snyder live at Zeitgest, April 12th at 6pm. Hope to see you there!

Theatre Intangible interviewed Zeitgeist Gallery about the Indeterminacies series, experimental art, how they book shows, and more. Read the interview here.

If you like the show, tell a friend or write us a review in iTunes.

From Stan Link Indeterminacies Zeitgeist, posted by Tony Youngblood on 3/23/2011 (22 items)

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Mar 072011

Be a fly on the wall during our late-night, philosophical, back-porch discussion with Athens, Georgia low-fi, experimental rock band Bird Names. Tommy Stangroom from Square People and Open Lot founder Jonathan Lisenby join us for the conversation. The podcast also features Bird Names live at Open Lot from November 19th of last year and a track from their new album Metabolism: A Salute to the Energy of the Sun.

Metabolism is dropping tomorrow, Tuesday, March 8th. If you like what you hear on the podcast, get your copy at Northern Spy Records or at your favorite local record store.

Bird Names are performing live at Betty’s Bar & Grill this Friday night. Square People and The Solstices round out the bill. Check Bird Names’ web site for more tour dates.

From the band’s website:

BIRD NAMES: a psychedelic pop group born in mid-2000s Chicago, noted for a large catalog of critically-acclaimed low-fi albums and a DIY ethic. Led by principle songwriter/producer David Lineal, Bird Names has been peopled by a number of creative musicians in diverse live intrepretations of their recorded material.

Bird Names believes that music is a magic power– an intuitive empathic force that lets people become more human personally and builds positive community socially. For an alienated and amoral society living on the dessicated leavings of the old natural world, the magic spells of music suggest a path to the Revolution of the Unconsious necessary for our common redemption.

Mar 022011

Natasha Stockham — 2009

Here’s the seventh improv from the WRVU era — Blue-Green Black — recorded January 7th, 2008. Murielle Rae and Gaelen Mitchell from The Grayces, William Davis (Oh No It’s Howard), Cody Bottoms (The Manpower) and Melody Holt join Tony for an undersea adventure through percussion and synthesizers.

Feb 222011

Theatre Intangible presents Podcast 52, Elements, starring Rhendi Greenwell, Craig Schenker, Erik Thompson, and Tony Youngblood. Sounds made with earth, water, air, and fire. Photography by Jonathan Lisenby. Recorded in my backyard Sunday afternoon, February 13th, 2011.

If you like the show, tell a friend or write a review in iTunes.

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