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Oct 032010

Kicking off Theatre Intangible Halloweird! October is the 1st Annual Halloween Extravaganza, a WRVU podcast broadcast around Halloween 2008. To prepare for this show, we sent out cheap digital recorders with T.I. correspondents to capture their Halloween nights. We assembled the recordings and met at WRVU to improv around them. I sprained my ankle pretty fierce right before Halloween; thus, my recording featured me at my house, complaining about not being able to go out. When we taped the show at WRVU, I hobbled around on crutches, in some serious pain but high on the magic going down.

The 1st Annual Halloween Extravaganza features Cody Bottoms, Brey McCoy, Lawrence Crow, and Charlie Rauh. The field correspondents were Paul Cain, Cody Bottoms, Richard Harper, Wes White, and myself.

If you like the show, tell a friend and leave us feedback on iTunes.

Subscribe via iTunes.

Jun 272010

Today’s podcast is Degenerates, the 25th podcast and 4th episode of the WRVU era — originally broadcast December 2nd, 2007.   The players are William Davis from Oh No It’s Howard; Cody Bottoms from The Manpower, A Parade, and more; Paul Cain; and myself.  Jacob Riley also contributed some sounds via phone.  I did the live mixing, editing, and mastering.

The theme of Degenerates is. . . you guessed it. .  . degeneration.  We recorded samples and  copied them through multiple generations.  We ran them through multiple passes of distortion.   We wanted to see how far we could use and abuse sounds.  The result is one of the nastiest, dingiest, dirtiest sounding shows we’ve ever done; it’s also one of our best.

If you like our show, spread the word by telling your friends, sharing on your favorite social networking sites, and leaving us feedback on iTunes.  Here’s Degenerates.

May 232010

This week’s podcast is Episode 21: Angry Beavers, originally broadcast live on WRVU Nashville November 18th 2007 — the third show of the WRVU era.  Angry Beavers stars Paul Cain on laced guitar; Cody Bottoms on Boss 202 Dr. Groove, Korg Electribe, Voice, and Toy Keyboard; William Davis aka Oh No It’s Howard on Laptop and Toy Keyboard; Melody Holt on Jen Analog Synth near end of show; and myself on Jen analog synth.

Angry Beavers was the first show of the WRVU era where things really started to click.  Listening back today, I’m surprised how cohesive it all sounds – at least as cohesive as an rhythmless, distorted, experimental improv can be.  Check it out and see if you agree.  If you like the show, tell a friend and leave us a review on iTunes.

Subscribe via iTunes

Apr 262010

It was November 4th, 2007, and I stood in the WRVU on-air studios with a few friends, laying out slide whistles, balloons, air pianos, and other instruments for the evening’s improv.  Theatre Intangible was about to do its second WRVU live improv, On Air, a treatise on . . . erm . . . air, made exclusively on air instruments (get it?).  This show stars Cody Bottoms and Lola Wilson from A Parade, Gordon Roque, Melody Holt, and myself.  This show is particularly haunting, due in large part to Lola’s bellowing, enigmatic vocal air instrument.  Last year, we did an “On Air Volume 2.”  Look for that episode on this podcast very soon.  For now, here’s the original.  Enjoy.