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Nov 222010

You’re in for a treat folks. Because for podcast 41 we’ve unearthed the most tumultuous, drama-filled episode of Theatre Intangible’s history: Random and Nameless Awesome Adventure That Never Happened. The actors rebeled against the show. Someone walked out. We broke a $2000 piece of studio equipment. 14 players jammed in the WRVU studios. Good times.

Listen as we summon the spirits of the oldtime radio plays!. . . except, not really. Capturing the vibe of radio plays such as The Shadow was what I was actually going for, but the improv actors had other ideas. I’m still not quite sure when they were being serious and when they were acting. And that, oddly enough, is what makes everything so interesting. For a long time, I felt this show to be a failure, but listening back now, I kind of like it . . . in a Waiting For Godot meets Holy Mountain kind of way.

Musicians include Cody Bottoms, Paul Cain, Rhendi Greenwell, Bobobobobob, Wes and Ember White, Anderson Cook, and Wess Youngblood. The actors preferred to go by their “stage” names, which are Random Voight (Brandon Boyd), L’Orange (The Human Snowglobe JJ Jones), Nameless, and Rick.

Prepare yourself.

Oct 032010

Kicking off Theatre Intangible Halloweird! October is the 1st Annual Halloween Extravaganza, a WRVU podcast broadcast around Halloween 2008. To prepare for this show, we sent out cheap digital recorders with T.I. correspondents to capture their Halloween nights. We assembled the recordings and met at WRVU to improv around them. I sprained my ankle pretty fierce right before Halloween; thus, my recording featured me at my house, complaining about not being able to go out. When we taped the show at WRVU, I hobbled around on crutches, in some serious pain but high on the magic going down.

The 1st Annual Halloween Extravaganza features Cody Bottoms, Brey McCoy, Lawrence Crow, and Charlie Rauh. The field correspondents were Paul Cain, Cody Bottoms, Richard Harper, Wes White, and myself.

If you like the show, tell a friend and leave us feedback on iTunes.

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