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Jul 092012

It’s the Great Podcast Releasathon 2012!(tm) this week at Theatre Intangible, a glorious celebration with a new podcast each day! Actually, I made that up. I’m just way behind on my release schedule, I had several old episodes ready to go, and I thought a fancy name would make it appear as if it were intentional.

We kicked off the festivities yesterday with Catharsirator from the WIDB era.

Today’s release is podcast 86: A Wild Snore, featuring Gordon Roque on melodica and vocals; Melody Holt on vocals and musical saw; Cody Bottoms on vocals; myself on musical saw; Anderson Cook on guitar and chaos pad; Randy Hunt on double bass; and Lawrence Crow on keyboards, Theremin, and Supercollider / Puredata programming. I did the live mixing, editing, and mastering. A Wild Snore was the 18th episode of the WRVU era of Theatre Intangible, recorded August 17th, 2008. It’s still one of my favorites.

Stay tuned for another podcast tomorrow!