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May 222012

Kendall Station

It’s fitting that today’s Google Doodle is a playable, multi-track recordable Moog synthesizer in honor of Bob Moog’s 78th birthday. I was just using the search engine to look up information about KENDALL STATION, a Minneapolis electronic artist who loves analog synths. He’s playing Noa Noa this Friday. As his bio reads, “Delving always deeper into the geekery of analog synths and visions of a cybernetic future, he still brings an element and humanity and nostalgia to his work.”

Come celebrate Bob Moog’s birthday with a night full of synth-filled music. Also on the bill are Luke Rainey’s circuit-bent project GRAND REALITY and TI Participant FOSTER DAD.

Show starts at 8pm on the back porch of Noa Noa house. $5 cover to the touring band. Bring your friends. Bring refreshments. Bring a lawn chair.

More info on the Facebook event page.

May 25th, 8pm
Kendall Station, Grand Reality, Foster Dad

Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203