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Mar 172017


I’m happy to announce that the Circuit Benders Ball will be coming back to Nashville, August 25th to 27th, 2017!

CBB is a biennial festival of hardware hacking, art, music, and the creative spirit. I ran the first three. This year, Tyler Blankenship will be taking over as Festival Director, and I’m excited for his vision of the fest!

Submissions are now open for performers, visual artists, multimedia artists, presenters, workshop instructors, and volunteers. To apply, head on over to the brand spankin’ new website, built by CBB participant Morgan Higby-Flowers.

The Ball will take place at the East Nashville art collective The Complex. We’re still working out the details will provide an address and showtimes soon.

Feb 112014
Logo by Rachel Briggs.

Logo by Rachel Briggs.

The submissions for the 2014 Circuit Benders’ Ball are in, and I just e-mailed all the applicants letting them know their proposal was received. If you applied but did not receive an e-mail, please contact me at tony@theatreintangible.com, and I’ll sort it out.

If you intended on submitting but let the deadline get away from you, contact me at the above e-mail. We’ll see what we can do.