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May 042013
Kendall Station (photo by Adam Newton)

Kendall Station (photo by Adam Newton)

Here’s episode 99: Tau Ceti, starring Mike Simpkins, Josh Gumiela and Luke Rainey, recorded May 25th 2012 on the back porch of Noa Noa.

Minneapolis-based ambient electronic artist Mike Simpkins was in town to perform a concert at Noa Noa under his moniker Kendall Station. You can see an excerpt from his performance in the video below.  Also on the bill were Luke Rainey’s project Grand Reality and Josh Gumiela’s project Foster Dad. Josh organized the show.

After their sets, they performed this beautiful improv, awash in analogue synths, circuit-bent gear, and field recordings. I did the live mixing, editing, and mastering. Thanks for listening.

May 222012

Kendall Station

It’s fitting that today’s Google Doodle is a playable, multi-track recordable Moog synthesizer in honor of Bob Moog’s 78th birthday. I was just using the search engine to look up information about KENDALL STATION, a Minneapolis electronic artist who loves analog synths. He’s playing Noa Noa this Friday. As his bio reads, “Delving always deeper into the geekery of analog synths and visions of a cybernetic future, he still brings an element and humanity and nostalgia to his work.”

Come celebrate Bob Moog’s birthday with a night full of synth-filled music. Also on the bill are Luke Rainey’s circuit-bent project GRAND REALITY and TI Participant FOSTER DAD.

Show starts at 8pm on the back porch of Noa Noa house. $5 cover to the touring band. Bring your friends. Bring refreshments. Bring a lawn chair.

More info on the Facebook event page.

May 25th, 8pm
Kendall Station, Grand Reality, Foster Dad

Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203