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Feb 142014

Great Valley Wizards of Camelot

My roommate Tommy Stangroom booked a great rock and roll lineup at Noa Noa house for Saturday, February 15th.

The bill features Vermont’s Great Valley, Vermont transplants Spacemen Saturday Night, and a rare performance by the enigmatic Toadies II, featuring Chris Murray on vocals and Tommy on drums.

This will be Tommy’s last show living at Noa Noa, so come show him some love.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Great Valley, Toadies II, Spacemen Saturday Night
Saturday, February 15th, 10 p.m., $5 to touring bands, BYOB

@ Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37203

Park in front driveway, street, and surrounding business lots.

May 032013
Textbook Punk (screenshot from video by Rob Beckham.)

Textbook Punk (screenshot from video by Rob Beckham.)

There’s a great lineup tomorrow at Betty’s Grill, featuring Chris Murray’s new project Textbook Punk. He recently put up an amazing scoop & loop set on his Soundcloud. I’m not certain if this will be Textbook Punk solo or Textbook Punk the four-piece (see video below). UPDATE05-04-2013. Chris tells me that he’ll be doing an ASMR set. I had to Google that phrase. It means Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, which KnowYourMeme says is

a term used to describe a sensory experience characterized by a pleasant tingling sensation in the head and scalp, which can be triggered by sounds like whispering or brushing, and visual stimulus like painting or drawing. On YouTube, the phenomenon inspired the creation of “whisperer” videos, in which people attempt to trigger the viewer’s ASMR by speaking in a soft voice and making various sounds with inanimate objects.

There does indeed appear to be a movement of ASMR videos on YouTube, most of which involve a person looking into the camera and whispering encouraging thoughts to the viewer … and occasionally, the use of binaural mics to enhance the POV effect. Here’s an example. Fascinating.

I can’t wait to see how Textbook Punk will translate ASMR into a musical performance.

Also performing: No Compassion, Malocchio, Terror’ish & Stephen Molyneux.

More info on the Facebook event page.

9pm, free show
Betty’s Grill
407 49th Ave N
Nashville, Tennessee 37209-3442

Nov 032012

If you give most 1st Saturday Art Crawls a skip, consider making tonight an exception! For one, tonight is the last aftercrawl party to take place at Brick Factory’s Cummins Station location. They’re already in the process of moving to the neighborhood which houses Chestnut Studios, Infinity Cat Records, United Records Pressing, and house venue Noa Noa. I scoped out the new digs yesterday afternoon, and the space is MUCH larger than the Cummins Station pad. There are multiple rooms, making way for a dedicated wood shop, art gallery, photography studio, stage, and much more. I can’t wait until Brick Factory opens to the public again!

For two, tonight’s Art Crawl features the intriguing “temporary hyper-reality” environ Jerkwater Burg. An experiment by local artists including members of Blacktooth Records, Square People, and Fly Golden Eagle, the Burg will take over Open Gallery in the downtown Arcade tonight from 6pm to 9pm. I’ve been incorrectly pronouncing and spelling it “Jerkwater BUG” until this very moment. In fact, I had to correct the spelling in all the spots I wrote it above. Is the Burg already screwing with my mind?!?!

I can’t do any better than the description on the Facebook event page:

The evening of November 3, Open Gallery will play host to an environment built up of corporeal experience. ‘Jerkwater Burg’ is the collaboration of Nashville artists, under the guise of Blacktooth Records (in the archival sense), who work in varying mediums, combining their abilities in order to manipulate multiple senses with the hope of wholly influencing and enhancing the physiological, psychological, and emotional state of its audience. It is not a gallery showcase, but a temporary hyper-reality, designed to encourage its inhabitants to feel something new, something strange.

In ‘Jerkwater Burg’ an attempt is made to house an environment not unlike what Alan Watts described as, “the experiencer and the experience becoming a single, ever-changing, self-forming process,” one where the situation is familiar – semiotically, artistically, etc. – but unlike the unification of the place and person, we desire a slight discomfort with what we call the Arpeggio of Meaning while still holding belief in the singular experience. Magical. Curious. Off-putting. Inviting. A kind of forcing of an unconscious suspension of disbelief.Our idle frustration with our own inability to project a concrete meaning on experiences is fascinating to us, and in our current age we think that many others feel the same. Perhaps it is that these affects exist entirely outside of logistics. We invite you to explore ‘Jerkwater Burg’.You may accidentally find yourself in the middle of Jihad or adorning yourself with Mimosa in the springtime. Perhaps you’ll discover your lover to be too coquettish in this space, or that all your friends are a pale mutiny of dispossessed voidoids hatched in a misty somewhere between fictive and mundane. And we know you’ll want to help – we do too, that’s the idea – but we can’t help, and we view all these attempts at meaning as banging your head against a wall: it’s nice when it stops.The more unsure we are of the exact spacial province we’re inhabiting, the further into the ‘liminal hinterland we go. You have to know it feelingly in these ugly, mystifying times and the last thing we want to do is rest on our laurels when it comes to this slug we’re trying to salt.

Yes, I know. This could go either way. But I’m a sucker for experiential art ala St. Louis City Museum, and I’m placing my bet that this exhibit will be the most talked about Art Crawl show in a long time. The folks behind Black Tooth Records haven’t steered us wrong yet.

Jerkwater Burg
6pm-9pm, free

Open Gallery
The Arcade
244 5th Ave. N.
Nashville, TN 37219

May 242012

Man Forever (photo by Joshua Bright)

Saturday at Noa Noa (house), we have a very special treat for drum fans: MAN FOREVER, the solo project of Oneida drummer John Colpitts (AKA Kid Millions), will perform on the back porch! If you don’t know Colpitt’s unique style of drumming, check out the clip below. Man Forever just released a new album on Thrill Jockey. Buy it here.

Rick Moody of therumpus.net says of the project:

Kid Millions, who, as drummer, is unsurpassed in his generation, finds an opportunity with slippery polyrhythmical approaches here, as if to say that the human drummer is the thing that is most controversial in the age of the click track, so there’s no pulse, no melodic home, no melody at all, really, just the thunderous ebbing and flowing of multiple rolls and fills…

Also on the bill are the always amazing SQUARE PEOPLE and Knoxville’s WHITE GREGG, described by Eric Dawson as, “postpunk, no wave, Beefheart and whatever U.S. Maple and Storm and Stress were (sort-of-but-not-really math rock) are all reference points, sometimes all within one song.” Any band that draws comparisons to Captain Beefheart, U.S. Maple, and Storm & Stress are ok in my book.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Party at 8pm, music at 9 sharp on back porch
$5 to touring bands, byob, bring your own lawn chair, all ages

Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203