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Jun 092013

Kyle Baker from Soundcrawl is borrowing Theatre Intangible H.Q. (that is, Noa Noa) tonight for a viewing party of highlights from the New Dischord Festival. As I blogged about here, New Dischord is a multi-day experimental arts festival in Chattanooga, TN. Kyle videotaped portions of the fest, and tonight, he’ll present the highlights in my living room. He’ll also be sharing some juicy details about Soundcrawl 2013.

Things go down at 7pm and should be over by 8:30 at the latest. Yes, I know the Game of Thrones finale is at 8. That’s what HBOGo is for.

More details on the Facebook event page.

Highlights from New Dischord
June 9, 2013, 7pm, $10 suggested donation

Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203