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Jun 072013


Stephen Molyneux, founder of No Kings Records, member of Horsehair Everywhere and Theatre Intangible participant, is performing tonight at Noa Noa in support of his new album “Called to Leave.” Unlike Molyneux’s recent experimental releases, this one is a collection of songs.

As NoKingsRecords.co states,

This world traveler, professional gardener, poet, amateur ethnomusicologist, and No Kings co-founder has, at long last, collected his best song pieces (which move in and out of traditional American folk motifs) into a heart-shaking and catchy album. From murder ballad to chord organ interlude, themes of water and work, these atmospheric one-mic recordings of Stephen’s magnetic voice vibrating the floorboards of his Nashville home overflow with emotion and will have you hitting that rewind button over and over. The best. Edition of 100 pro-dubbed chrome, imprinted tapes, risograph artwork. For your convenience, you can stream the whole thing here.

Also performing is one of my favorite Nashville artists, Renee-Louise Carafice. In the 2011 Nashville Scene Rock n’ Roll Poll, I selected her as my favorite discovery of the year. This will be Renee-Louise’s first show with a full band in Nashville. Square People Jazz Maturity’s Tommy Stangroom will be on the drums.

Last but not least is Churchyard, the new garage rock band composed of Alice Buchanan, Rebecca Cholewa, Meghan D’Amico and Rachel Warrick.

Check out videos of Stephen and Renee at the end of this post.

More info on the Facebook Event Page.

Stephen Molyneux Tape Release w/ Renee-Louise Carafice & Churchyard
June 7th, 2013, 9:30pm, free show, tapes $5
Noa Noa
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

BYOB. Park in front yard and surrounding business lots.


May 232013


Here’s episode 102: Moonlight Pineapple, recorded on the Noa Noa back porch on April 6th, 2011. We organized this show around Charlie and Chris Rauh’s visit back to Nashville from New York City and DC respectively. We did two improvs that night, the first with a set group of participants, and the second, a free for all tag team with a who’s who of the Nashville avant garde music community. Episode 101 featured the first. You’re about to hear the second.

Since this was nearly two years ago and it featured so many people, to be honest, I can’t completely remember everyone who played on it. But I’m pretty sure that it featured Randy Hunt, Rhendi Greenwell, Tim Norton, Charlie Rauh, Chris Rauh, Sarah Robey, Chris Murray, Craig Schenker, Jamison Sevits, and Tommy Stangroom. I apologize if I forgot anyone. I did the recording, live mixing, editing, and mastering.

The idea for this was that any participant could walk off at any time and tag in someone in the audience to replace him or her. There are some really nice moments on this. Thanks for listening!

May 222013


Here’s Theatre Intangible episode 101: Restless Mariner, recorded on the Noa Noa back porch on April 6th, 2011 and starring Randy Hunt, Chris Murray, Charlie Rauh, Chris Rauh, Craig Schenker, Jamison Sevits, and Tommy Stangroom. We organized this show around Charlie and Chris Rauh’s visit back to Nashville from New York City and DC respectively. Since Charlie moved to New York City in 2010, he’s been making quite a name for himself playing with such esteemed musicians as Ingrid Laubrock, Tom Rainey, Connie Crothers, Daniel Carter, Ken Filiano, and Hill Greene.

We did two improvs that night, the first with a set group of musicians who came in one at a time throughout the performance, and the second, a free for all tag team with a who’s who of the Nashville avant garde music community. Episode 102 will feature the second. You’re about to hear the first. I did the recording, live mixing, editing, and mastering. Thanks for listening!


May 082013
Morgan Higby-Flowers

Morgan Higby-Flowers

For those not attending the Matthew Shipp Trio at VFW Post 1970 this Saturday night, consider checking out Noa Noa’s second entry in our new experimental series. This one explores the theme “Defacing Purity,” which we define as “taking something pure and gradually degrading, defacing, or destroying it.” Four artists will interpret that theme as they see fit.

Multimedia artist and Watkins professor Adán De La Garza will push hi-fi audio test records to their lo-fi extremes.

Theatre Intangible participant, instrument-maker, and experimental musician Josh Gumiela with shorten short-wave radio. Weather permitting, we’ll do the show on the back porch. Word has it Josh may physically carry the radio antenna to unexpected outdoor heights.

Visiting assistant professor of New Media Art at Austin Peay, experimental musician, artist, and hacker Morgan Higby-Flowers will wring output (audio and video) from a no-input system.

Theatre Intangible participant, sound-collage artist, DJ, and musician Pimpdaddysupreme will breath unholy life into broken and abused vinyl records.

These descriptions are merely the initial ideas we discussed. The final performance details are, of course, subject to change (and further subversion).

Check out some of Adán’s and Morgan’s previous work in the videos below.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Defacing Purity
Saturday, May 11th, doors 8:30, show 9pm
BYOB. Park in front yard and surrounding business lots.

Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203