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May 232013


Here’s episode 102: Moonlight Pineapple, recorded on the Noa Noa back porch on April 6th, 2011. We organized this show around Charlie and Chris Rauh’s visit back to Nashville from New York City and DC respectively. We did two improvs that night, the first with a set group of participants, and the second, a free for all tag team with a who’s who of the Nashville avant garde music community. Episode 101 featured the first. You’re about to hear the second.

Since this was nearly two years ago and it featured so many people, to be honest, I can’t completely remember everyone who played on it. But I’m pretty sure that it featured Randy Hunt, Rhendi Greenwell, Tim Norton, Charlie Rauh, Chris Rauh, Sarah Robey, Chris Murray, Craig Schenker, Jamison Sevits, and Tommy Stangroom. I apologize if I forgot anyone. I did the recording, live mixing, editing, and mastering.

The idea for this was that any participant could walk off at any time and tag in someone in the audience to replace him or her. There are some really nice moments on this. Thanks for listening!

Jul 032011

Joey Molinaro, Untitled

String trio JOEY MOLINARO, SARAH ROBEY, AND LAWRENCE CROW carve notes into the sand as a 6 foot tape loop washes them away.

A few weeks ago, I saw a friend’s show announcement featuring “thrash violinist” JOEY MOLINARO. I admit, I was intrigued. I checked out Joey’s music and discovered a very accomplished violinist who could play classical, experimental, and yes, even thrash violin. I contacted Joey, who was passing through Nashville on a tour destined for his new home New York City, and on July 16 we managed to quickly assemble this string trio. SARAH ROBEY (Dub Poets Society, Sexpipe, House of Wolves, Hotel Room) plays cello. T.I. regular LAWRENCE CROW plays violin. Special thanks to Lauren Plum for putting me in touch with Joey and Nick Bennett for putting me in touch with Sarah.

To shake things up a bit, I cut a 6 foot piece of ½” magnetic tape, covered the erase head on my reel to reel recorder, stretched the tape over a mic stand, and made a real tape loop. You’ll hear it from time to time on the show, growing more distorted with each pass through. I like the idea that the players try to leave their impression on the tape, but the tape gradually distorts and erodes their attempts to fight time.

This is the second time we used such a tape loop. The first time, our loop was 17 feet, and it stretched across the room. You can hear that on Episode 32 Stone In Stream.

Podcast 61 is also the first installment of a new section called “Dada Mail” where I respond to (sometimes bizarre) listener feedback. In this week’s installment, listener Nelson Klondike warns of a coming world threat, more dangerous than global warming, drought, viruses, and overpopulation combined. Send your Dada Mail to tony@theatreintangible.com, and you just might be featured on an upcoming podcast.

If you like the show, tell a friend or write us a review in iTunes.