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Aug 092011

Bathe in the noisy fm transmitter loops of this Prefab Audio Extrapolation show from the year 2000. Starring DaveX, Tony Youngblood, and possibly others. I can’t remember that far back. Listening back to this and other WIDB-era shows, I’m reminded of what many noise kids are doing now. Only we did it 11 years ago.

Apr 062011

Ever wonder what it was like in the rough and tumble late nineties? Step into the time machine in this WIDB-era Prefab Audio Extrapolation and learn about the trends gripping America’s youth. Like pork*.

* This show sponsored by The Pork Growers of America.

Starring DaveX, Tony Youngblood, Mike Hackett, Tom Denney, and a bunch of other people I can’t remember at the moment. Features probably my favorite moment of any WIDB show — Mike Hackett’s rap. And the most annoying-yet-endearing moment in any episode period — my brother Wes Youngblood’s timeless ditty Hog Farm. He used to come in my bedroom early in the morning and wake me up with it.

Mar 022011

Natasha Stockham — 2009

Here’s the seventh improv from the WRVU era — Blue-Green Black — recorded January 7th, 2008. Murielle Rae and Gaelen Mitchell from The Grayces, William Davis (Oh No It’s Howard), Cody Bottoms (The Manpower) and Melody Holt join Tony for an undersea adventure through percussion and synthesizers.

Feb 222011

Theatre Intangible presents Podcast 52, Elements, starring Rhendi Greenwell, Craig Schenker, Erik Thompson, and Tony Youngblood. Sounds made with earth, water, air, and fire. Photography by Jonathan Lisenby. Recorded in my backyard Sunday afternoon, February 13th, 2011.

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