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May 032013

Ypsmael live at Noa Noa

Here’s Theatre Intangible episode 98: Ypsmael and Lawrence Crow Artist Showcase.

These two solo performances were recorded August 5th, 2012 for a show also featuring T.J. Borden and Steven Dunning. Episode 97 featured those performances.

Ypsmael is an electroacoustic improviser and performance artist currently based in Munich. He uses stompboxes and a blend of baritone guitars and other instruments, voice, amplified objects, DIY electronics, field recordings and no-input feedback to create hazy drone swells, noise washes, audio detritus and subtly unfolding textures. All sounds are generated and processed live.

Frequent Theatre Intangible collaborator Lawrence Crow makes abstract electronic improv music using open source programming such as Supercollider and PureData. This marks his twelfth appearance on the podcast.

Lawrence’s set starts off the podcast, and Ypsmeal’s takes over at 17:55.

Thanks for listening!