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Jun 072010

Dekalb, Illinois experimental rock band CMKT4 stopped by Theatre Intangible for an improv and artist showcase while on tour.  You may know drummer Austin Cliffe as Creme Dementia on the circuit-bending blog GetLoFi.  We’ll release the artist showcase in the near future, but for podcast episode 23, we present to you the improv: Artificial.

Artificial stars CMKT4 (Austin Cliffe, Zach Adams, and Jeff Cox) and regulars Laurence Crow and Craig Schenker.  CMKT4 played a variety of circuit-bent toys, a guitar synth, and hand-made bottlecap contact mics (which they make and sell.)  Craig played saxophone and Larry played laptop synths and sampled Craig’s sax.  I did the live mixing, editing, and mastering.

This is a pretty insane improv, and it may turn out to be one of my favorites.  Enjoy.

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