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Dec 062014
Nance Cooley

Nance Cooley

Joe Nolan at the Nashville Scene has all the juicy details on Saturday’s art crawls, including the Replication 3D printing show at Fort Houston, which features a few of my pieces. There’s tons of stuff to see tomorrow, including the always-popular Porter Flea Market at Track One. Go read Joe’s article for all the specifics.

One thing he didn’t mention (but Laura Hutson wrote about) is the Paper, Thread, and Trash show at the Nashville Public Library, which opens Saturday from 2-4 p.m. Curated by Courtney Adair Johnson, the show addresses, “the issues of consumption and waste by using found and superfluous materials to build original and unique books through very literal interpretations to installations and conceptual based projects.” I have to admit, they had me at Nance Cooley’s automata sculpture in the image above. Just brilliant.

The show features the works of Aletha Carr, Nance Cooley, Meredith Eastburn, Kelly Falzone, Kathryn Gonzalez, Emily Holt, Courtney Adair Johnson, Megan Kelly, Kit Kite, Cynthia Marsh, Lesley Patterson-Marx, Nelson Meadows, Lisa Rivas, and Jamaica Shaw. Don’t miss it!