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May 302012

Microwave Windows

Keeping up the momentum, I present podcast 83: Hardon Collider and Microwave Windows Artist Showcase!

Experimental bands MICROWAVE WINDOWS, HARDON COLLIDER, MU, ASHOCHIOUS, and JEREMY BENNETT played Noa Noa in Nashville on Friday the 13th, April 2012. Last week, we release an interview with Mu’s Douglas Lucas and the Noa Noa sets from Mu and Ashochious. This episode features an interview with Hardon Collider’s Brendan Muccillo and Microwave Window’s Brandon Able as well as their Noa Noa sets. Soon, we’ll release the giant head of this audio Voltron: the live improv featuring all four bands!

We recorded the interview the day after the concert on my back porch. It’s all over the place in the best sense of the term. Brandon, Brendan, and I talk about their upcoming gigs at the Louisville Experimental Festival; ELECTRIC INERTIA; the experimental scenes in Cincinnati, San Francisco, Miami, and other places; the phobias of moving and not moving; JEREMY BENNETT; the soon-to-be-announced 2012 Circuit Benders’ Ball Nashville; father of circuit-bending REED GHAZALATHRIFTSORE BORATORIUM‘s geodesic sound dome; the 2011 FauxBeAnt Art Fair; and Brandon’s run in with police brutality. In the podcast, we mentioned Brandon Able lives in Lexington. Since the taping, Brandon has moved back to the East Coast.

Check out a few video clips of the Noa Noa performances below. The podcast player is at the very bottom of the article. Enjoy!