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Jan 032010

Snails and Whales, premiere episode of WRVU era, starring Cody Bottoms, Tony Youngblood, and Melody Holt.

I’ve been working feverishly on a new episode called The Sound of Teeth recorded a few months ago, but sadly, I wasn’t able to finish it in time for tonight’s podcast release.  Look for it to be episode 4, and prepare for a good one. On the plus side, in its place, you get the very first episode we did at WRVU — Snails and Whales, originally broadcast October 21st, 2007.

Snail Reproductive Ssystem by Johannes Meisenheimer

This episode features Cody Bottoms on Vocal FX Processor, Boss 202 Drum Machine, and Korg synth; and myself on . . . other stuff.  (Cody has a much better memory than I do.)  I think I was using my Kool Keys musical toy, circuit bent and redubbed The Pitch Fucker.  I also had recorded some field recordings of water and running a wet finger down a bathroom mirror.  Melody Holt was present in the studio assisting us.  The show was live-mixed and then later edited by me.  We named the show Snales and Whales because, well, that’s what it sounds like.

Life was rough and tumble back in the early days of ~ORE~ Theatre Intangible.  The first 20 minutes of the episode are lost to legend, because I forgot to hit record on the cd recorder.  We were still figuring out what the new version of ~ORE~ was even going to be.  I knew I wanted to shy away from spoken word records and tv clips that were so prominent in ~ORE~ Prefab Audio Extrapolations and focus instead on soundscapes and texture.  Cody ran the open mic at Café Coco where I used to play and was in an experimental rock band called A Parade.  We shared an interest in making weird noises, so I asked him to be a part of this premiere broadcast.  Cody went on to participate in several other episodes, probably more than any other participant.  You can hear him on the Theatre Intangible podcast episode 1, The Second Annual Halloween Extravaganza.

I don’t know if it was luck or skill, but Snails and Whales set the bar pretty high for future episodes, and helped define the show’s sound and mission.  It’s still one of my favorite episodes.  Enjoy.

  • Melody

    hooray! can’t wait to listen to it. Except I think I’ve heard it over and over already. xo

  • Anthony William Herndon

    I can’t tell you how many times i lost some great music because i forgot to hit the record button. I just called it the music for the gods, since they were the only ones that got to hear it.

  • I like to think that it continues to sail off into space, ever-weakening, waiting for a hyper-advanced future civilization to gather these faint signals in a radio archaeological expedition.