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Jun 202011


Tim Kaiser live at the 2010 Circuit Benders’ Ball. Photo by Stephen Zerne.


TIM KAISER, the ambient experimental musician and maker of esoteric musical instruments, returns to Nashville for an intimate backyard house show at new Berry Hill/Wedgewood-Houston house venue NOA NOA. Joining him are CYCLES (Lauren Plum) and Theatre Intangible participants KEN SOPER, LAWRENCE CROW, and PIMPDADDYSUPREME.

You may remember Tim from his now-legendary performance at the 2010 CIRCUIT BENDERS BALL. Here’s a clip:

To promote the show, Theatre Intangible is giving away TWO copies of Tim’s new album NUMBERS STATION –one on vinyl and one on cd — and a free ticket to the show! The winners are the first two people to correctly answer the following question:

In Theatre Intangible podcast 46, the Tim Kaiser Artist Showcase, Tim compares the life of an experimental music innovator to a certain painter who had to leave his/her home town to gain acceptance. What painter did Tim mention?

Send your answer to tony@theatreintangible.com or @tonyyoungblood on Twitter. Subject line: “Tim Kaiser Contest.” The first responder will have their choice of vinyl or cd. The second will get what’s left over. Free show ticket to both. I’ll update this post as soon as we have a winner. [UPDATE: We our winners! Thanks for playing! The correct answer is Picasso.] If you don’t win, worry not; Tim will be selling CD and Vinyl copies of the new album (and perhaps some Kaiser Electronics!) at the show.

Friday, June 24th, 7pm (mixer) 8pm (music), Noa Noa (house)

$5, all ages

Tim Kaiser

Ken Soper

Cycles (Lauren Plum)

Lawrence Crow


Noa Noa (house)

620 Hamilton Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203

Show is on back porch. Park in front lot or alley around back.

More details at the Facebook Event page. Here are some choice bits:

Instrument maker and experimental ambient performer TIM KAISER returns to Nashville in promotion of his new album “Numbers Station.” His performance at the 2010 Circuit Benders Ball is still talked about in hushed tones. If you missed him there, don’t miss another rare opportunity to see the modern day Harry Partch. Tim’s instruments are aesthetically pleasing, juxtaposing another dimension and a bygone era. They’re made out of materials culled from salvage yards and Salvation Armies, and they sound like nothing you’ve heard before. Never resting on the laurels of his devices, Tim is also a brilliant composer, performer, and improviser. His sets are full of spontaneous melodies and complex arrangements. You will be hypnotized.

Moog master KEN SOPER (he was commissioned to compose a piece for Bob Moog’s funeral) is unveiling an entirely new project at this show! Ken circuit-bent a MindFlex children’s game into the Teletron, a device that harnesses Ken’s thoughts into music! Watch Ken incorporate the device into a synth-filled solo set! (Listen at your own risk: brains may explode.)

Frequent Theatre Intangible collaborator and open-source audio hacktavist LAWRENCE CROW makes music with algorithms, lines of code, and the occasional acoustic instrument. Tonight he’s performing with an interactive autonomous computer partner. Larry’s notes are fed into the machine, which sets the machine’s own music into unpredictable avenues, which, of course, influence Larry’s musical direction. A feedback loop of awesome!

Cycles = Rhythmic Ambient Minimalism from Murfreesboro noise-herald Lauren Plum.

Plunderphonicist Pimpdaddysupreme will depart from his normal (if ever normal) set with a noise-laden question-mark.