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May 062013



Nashville musician and multi-media artist Robbie Lynn Hunsinger has a new exhibit opening up at Seed Space on Friday, May 10th from 6pm to 8pm. The reactive sound sculpture is a collaboration with Middle Tennessee Robotic Art Society members Patrick Becker and Steve Ghertner. Skitter Flutter sounds absolutely fascinating, and I can’t wait to check it out on Friday.

The press release at robbiehunsinger.com says Skitter Flutter,

grew partially out of Hunsinger’s Arduino and Sax duet for robotic drummer that she premiered at Soundcrawl 2012.

Skitter Flutter is also heavily influenced by Hunsinger’s years of pre-dawn bird rescue in the Chicago area as Founder of The Chicago Bird Collision Monitors program, a very successful conservation effort in which volunteers save injured and stunned migratory birds that have struck buildings.

She became fascinated with the idea of creating an invisible array of reactive sounds similar to small mammals, insects or birds but created entirely by motors. Sounds pull the viewer in but dissipate upon investigation, much as crickets grow quiet as we approach.

The mirror neuron creates a reaction in an observer which reflects the chemical changes in the person actually experiencing an event firsthand, which seems to manifest the neurological existence of empathy.

“You get hit, I flinch.” These interactive sound sculptures encourage this type of response. They are as much felt as seen or heard.

More info at the Facebook event page and SeedSpace.org.

Robbie Hunsinger: Skitter Flutter
Opening reception Friday, May 10th 6-8pm.
Seed Space
(Inside Chestnut Square Building)
427 Chestnut Street, Nashville, Tennessee 37203