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Jul 052010

This one goes way back. Actually, it’s the second episode EVER, recorded and broadcast October 22nd, 1998 on ~ORE~ Prefab Audio Extrapolations, WIDB Radio, Carbondale, Illinois. My ~ORE~ co-host DaveX had yet to join me. In studio with me (if memory serves) were Tom Denney, Mike Meyer, and Wil Bernal. You can hear them calling in as various characters. (Usually they would just go to the station front room and call in on the other station line.)

Mixmaster Satan is a dark portal through pre-9/11 American television. In these pre-digital days, I recorded television sound bites and field recordings directly from the speaker into a cassette recorder and playing back on the station cassette deck live. When I wanted to repeat a section, I had to rewind, watch the counter, and playback, hoping I timed it right. When you listen to these early shows, you’ll be able to tell we were VERY inspired by Negativland. Although I still like these early episodes, it was the over-reliance on sound bites and tv samples that made me want to make the next incarnation (Theatre Intangible) sample-free, created entirely by the performers in-studio. But this episode takes me back.

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