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Oct 142015


Circuit Benders’ Ball alumn Datathrash Arnie is starting a semi-regular electronic music showcase called Live Computer Sex! The first edition happens tonight at the Springwater and features Arnie’s band Abandoned on Fire, fellow CBB alumn Sugar Sk*-*lls, Hypnogram, and Zyvoxx2, the new project of CBB alumn Tim Carey.

More info on the Facebook event page. Check the streams below.

Live Computer Sex! featuring Abandoned on Fire, Sugar Sk*-*lls, Hypnogram, Zyvoxx2
Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, 9 p.m., $5
@ Springwater Supper Club & Lounge, 115 27th Ave N, Nashville, TN 37203

Oct 052015


There’s a cool new recurring variety show at Crying Wolf hosted by Nashville experimental band The Xists, which is fronted by Theatre Intangible participant and wrestling superstar Jocephus Hudson.

The next edition happens October 8 at 10 p.m. and features Theatre Intangible participant Pimpdaddysupreme, gospel singer Sandi Lou Jensen, escape artist Elle Long, musician Stone Jack Jones, comedians Chris Christian and Andrew Becker, and wrestlers Mr. 110% L.T. Falk and Miss Rachel.

It’ll a variety hour like nothing you’ve ever experienced if this quote from special guest and “world famous record connoisseur” Barney Kroger is to be believed:

Big Top Meets Big Tent!! Come see family and faith based comedian Chris Christian, raise your hands to the holy vibration of Barney Kroger’s Record Corner, and witness the powerful analogue synth gospel of the The xists! Filled with many surprise guests and…

Blasphemous rumors of a puppet show! You’ll have to show up to find out! Stay True and VIP! Don’t let the devil drag your soul asunder.

This unconventional revival may very well save you from the fires of hell. Be there.

More info on the Facebook event page.
Left to right: Sandi Lou Jensen, Barney Kroger, German tenor Hans Horkheimer.

Left to right: Sandi Lou Jensen, Barney Kroger, German tenor Hans Horkheimer.

The Xists Variety Hour
Thursday, October 8 2015, 10pm
@ The Crying Wolf, 823 Woodland St, Nashville, Tennessee 37206
Sep 302015

Saturday at Phat Bites, catch the tape release show for Lucy Stoner, a new group featuring members of Droneroom and Oceanray. The tape is being released under bassist Keith Chandler’s label Sweet Sounds. Twenty handmade, numbered copies are being released, so grab one while you can.

Chandler says Sweet Sounds focuses on, “the weirder, noisier folks; anyone who isn’t doing your standard rock music or whatever.”

The show also features Pelvis Lesly and Cosmic Yawn. Check out the streams below.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Lucy Stoner Tape Release w/ Pelvis Lesly, Cosmic Yawn
Saturday, October 3, 2015, doors at 8 p.m., music at 9 p.m., free show
@ Phat Bites Deli, 2730 b. Lebanon Pike, Donelson, TN 37214


Sep 152015
Tatsuya Nakatani. Image by hearhums.blogspot.com

Tatsuya Nakatani. Image by hearhums.blogspot.com

It seems like every time Tatsuya Nakatani comes to Nashville, I’m out of town. On Friday, September 18th at 9 p.m., he’ll be performing with special guests at the 12th South Portland Brew. I’ll be in St. Louis getting married. At least it’s a good excuse.

However, if you’re IN town and NOT getting married, check out Nakatani, performing a solo set and an improvisation with special guests Jeff Coffin (Dave Matthews Band), Celine Thackston (Chatterbird), Matt Wigton, and Brady Sharp.

Here’s what I wrote about Nakatani in the show notes to the Theatre Intangible podcast he appeared on:

Japanese-born experimental percussionist Tatsuya Nakatani connects with his instruments in a way like I’ve never before seen. He extracts every ounce of musicality out of his gongs, singing bowls, bells, cymbals, drums, handmade bows, and other devices. His performances are an extremely visceral affair. You really get the sense that his instruments are extensions of him. Seeing him live is a cathartic and almost spiritual experience.

This is a special show. Don’t miss it.