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Sep 302015

Saturday at Phat Bites, catch the tape release show for Lucy Stoner, a new group featuring members of Droneroom and Oceanray. The tape is being released under bassist Keith Chandler’s label Sweet Sounds. Twenty handmade, numbered copies are being released, so grab one while you can.

Chandler says Sweet Sounds focuses on, “the weirder, noisier folks; anyone who isn’t doing your standard rock music or whatever.”

The show also features Pelvis Lesly and Cosmic Yawn. Check out the streams below.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Lucy Stoner Tape Release w/ Pelvis Lesly, Cosmic Yawn
Saturday, October 3, 2015, doors at 8 p.m., music at 9 p.m., free show
@ Phat Bites Deli, 2730 b. Lebanon Pike, Donelson, TN 37214


Dec 152013


Cody Gaisser is a big asset to the Nashville music community.  He plays guitar and sings in Oceanray and plays drums in Sherbert.

A few days ago, Cody told me his band Oceanray was looking for a fourth member to do something, “in the vein of sound manipulation/electronics/synth/utility,” so I thought I would spread the word here. Check out their songs on SoundCloud, and if you’re interested, drop him a line at codygaisser at yahoo dot com.