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May 222013


Here’s Theatre Intangible episode 101: Restless Mariner, recorded on the Noa Noa back porch on April 6th, 2011 and starring Randy Hunt, Chris Murray, Charlie Rauh, Chris Rauh, Craig Schenker, Jamison Sevits, and Tommy Stangroom. We organized this show around Charlie and Chris Rauh’s visit back to Nashville from New York City and DC respectively. Since Charlie moved to New York City in 2010, he’s been making quite a name for himself playing with such esteemed musicians as Ingrid Laubrock, Tom Rainey, Connie Crothers, Daniel Carter, Ken Filiano, and Hill Greene.

We did two improvs that night, the first with a set group of musicians who came in one at a time throughout the performance, and the second, a free for all tag team with a who’s who of the Nashville avant garde music community. Episode 102 will feature the second. You’re about to hear the first. I did the recording, live mixing, editing, and mastering. Thanks for listening!