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Aug 102010

I’m very excited about this Open Lot show tonight, featuring improv masters Audrey Chen and Luca Marini and T.I. contributors Cultural Reflex Dance (Charlie Rauh and Ezzie Harrold).

Here’s the Open Lot press release:

Kamama in Cherokee means both elephant and butterfly. There is no overlap in meaning other than the supposed resemblance of the long trunk and flapping ears to the proboscis and wings of that insect. This duo loosely embodies elements of this kind of disparate pairing. Chen and Marini combine the raw energies resultant from and continuously growing out of their respective histories and experiences. Since their first encounter early this year in 2010, they have been forming a new language which steadily deepens, evolves, converges and exposes their inherent similarities and striking differences. It is ecstatic music. it is contrary music. and at times, they depart completely from one another as two distinct creatures, but then are drawn back into the fold of an undeniable tenderness and comprehension.

Using the cello, voice and analog electronics, AUDREY CHEN’s work delves deeply into her own version of narrative and non-linear storytelling. A large component of her music is improvised and her approach to this is extremely personal and visceral. Her playing explores the combination and layering of a homemade analog synthesizer, preparations and traditional and extended techniques in both the voice and cello. She works to join these elements into a singular ecstatic personal language.
Chen has performed in Europe, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Taiwan, Canada and the USA. She is currently based in Baltimore, MD USA but primarily maintains an active touring schedule throughout Europe.

LUCA MARINI is a German/Italian drummer who mostly grew up in France and is now based in New York (USA). After studying jazz and improvised music at various conservatories and music colleges in Europe and North America he developed his own language and approach to percussion while living in Berlin (D).
Marini performed and toured in Europe and North America playing improvised music, jazz, rock and electronic music with bands and artists like the GRIPI collective, SONIDO13, INEZEBA, Spyros Manesis trio, Nicolas Masson, Roberto Pianca, Tom Blancarte, and Natalio Sued.
CULTURAL REFLEX DANCE (Charlie Rauh + Megan Harrold)

Cultural Reflex Dance is an ongoing music and dance collaboration between jazz guitarist Charlie Rauh and dancer Megan Harrold. Rauh and Harrold create a dialogue of absolute immediacy. The two performers use preconceived translation systems that define the piece and dictate how they talk to each other onstage.
For video go to http://www.myspace.com/culturalreflex/videos

This event occurs at Open Lot Nashville. Admission is $10 at the door. Beer and wine will be served with ID.

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