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Jul 082013


Circuit bender, musician and installation artist Josh Gumiela taught an interactive media class at the Art Institute of Tennessee Nashville during spring quarter. He showed me some media of the final class project, and it was so amazing that I had to share it here.

Under Josh’s guidance, the class created an LED glove controller that can manipulate video and sound.

Josh wrote:

The idea was to generate imagery and sound using light and a handheld device. We ended up constructing a glove with LEDs in each finger (red, green, blue, yellow, and white). An Arduino was used to power the LEDs and coded to let the user toggle each LED on or off using pushbutton switches installed on the glove. We used an HD webcam to filter and track the color of each LED in Max6. The colors then generate simple OpenGL primitives and their positions are mapped onto the X and Y planes. At the same time, sound is generated in Max using granular synthesis and different waveforms & filters are applied depending on the color and position.

You really need to see the video and images to appreciate how phenomenal this is. Kudos to Josh and his students in the spring ’13 session of IMD340: Video for Interactive Media.


IMD340: Video for Interactive Media
Art Institute of Tennessee Nashville
Instructor: Josh Gumiela
Students: Holly Cunningham, Grant Glover, Ben Ware, Jeremiah Young



Sewing the wiring.


Holly Cunningham


Jeremiah Young


Hooking up the Arduino.


Holly Cunningham


The blank strip of processed 35mm film negative in front of the camera filters for infrared light.


Ben Ware


(clockwise) Grant Glover and Ben Ware


Ben Ware

Josh Gumiela’s exhibit at last Friday’s Future Night at Boheme Collectif was the talk of the show. I’ll be posting media from that show very soon. Josh will also be appearing on an upcoming Theatre Intangible podcast showcasing his project with Luke Rainey called Age.