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May 282014


Saturday at Noa Noa, we’re throwing a good old-fashioned rock show with four of the best up-and-coming bands in town. The bill features Sudonistas, Shy Guy, Twiggs, and Whose Loofah? (Becca Hill from Spacemen Saturday Night). UPDATE: 05-31-2014. Twiggs had to cancel. Beef Oven joined the bill.

This is great stuff. Big deals in the making. Listen to the samples to see if it’s your thing.

This will be the second-to-last show at Noa Noa for the foreseeable future. The last will be for Regdar and the Fighters on June 21st. We’re putting house shows on hold in order to focus on personal projects, peace/quiet, and domestic bliss.

Shy Guy, Sudonistas, Twiggs, Whose Loofah?
Saturday, May 31st, 2014, doors at 8:30 p.m., show at 9 p.m., $5

@ Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203
Park in front yard and surrounding business lots.