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May 302012

Richland Ballroom is quickly becoming one of the best house venues in Nashville. If Glen Danzig’s House was the bastion of punk and garage rock and Noa Noa is the destination for weird, Richland Ballroom is well on the path to becoming the home of low-fi ambient minimalism. Consider the following lineup for Sunday, June 3rd.

We have San Francisco’s ALOONALUNA, Gainesville’s ROAMER X, and locals SPARKLING WIDE PRESSURE and STEPHEN MOLYNEUX. Lynn Nguyen Fister is the main force behind Aloonaluna. Her songs are positively spectral, awash in synthesizers, field recordings, and lots of reverb. For a person so prolific (22 albums in 4 years), Frank Baugh’s Sparking Wide Pressure remarkably never repeats itself, and the luscious sound quality makes me hard pressed to ever call it lo-fi. Frank and Stephen are both a part of the Murfreesboro noise collective HORSEHAIR EVERYWHERE. Check them out on Theatre Intangible episode 73: Cuatro Ninos.

More info on the Facebook event page. See you at the show!

Sunday, June 3, 2012 @ 9:00pm
Richland Ballroom
4208 Murphy Rd. Nashville, TN

$5 for traveling artists, BYOB
Park at the Shell gas station on the corner or on Murphy Rd. Bikes & carpooling are encouraged.