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Oct 152014

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Stephen Lackey and crew over at the Culture Smash blog and podcast are launching a film, art, and music festival. The inaugural Culture Smash Nashville festival happens this Friday and Saturday at Miss Jeanne’s Mystery Dinner Theatre. There will be short films, music (including Circuit Benders’ Ball alumni Carl Oliver and Sugar Sk*-*lls), and visual art. I’ll be bringing my 3D printer to print the award for best short film, right there as the festival happens. If you want to know what won, just stand by the printer until it starts in on the text section. 😉

Tickets will be available at the door, $15 for a day pass, $25 for a weekend pass. Stephen gave me a limited number of free tickets to give out. Just e-mail your name and your guests names to cinegeek@gmail.com with the subject heading “Culture Smash Nashville Free Tickets.”

Doors open each night at 6 p.m. Live music kicks off each evening at 6:45 p.m. You can view the full schedule at Culture Smash Nashville.