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Feb 182014

Patrick from Roth Mobot helps Brandon bend a guitar pedal at the 2012 Ball. Photo by Ryan Schemmel.

We just launched the 2014 Circuit Benders’ Ball Kickstarter. Help us bring artists from around the world!

We’re also seeking business partners to sponsor the Ball. Official sponsors get a “sponsored by” credit on all posters, press materials, websites and social messaging sites. Sponsors can also subsidize individual workshops and presentations. If your company is interested, contact me at tony@theatreintangible.com.

Sep 252012

Great news! We reached our $1000 Circuit Benders’ Ball Kickstarter goal! We owe a big debt of gratitude to all of our generous backers! Thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you!

If you haven’t backed us yet, you still can. Great rewards are still available, including one last workshop super bundle: All three workshops and a VIP “free beer” Badge to the Ball for the discounted price of $140! All in all, that’s  a$40 savings, and there’s only one left. Go snatch it on our Kickstarter page.

Other rewards included single workshops, passes to the Ball, CBB t-shirt, posters, one-of-a-kind art pieces and more!  Josh Gumiela, teacher of the CBB workshop Chip to be Square: Build Your Own Synth, very generously donated a “One-of-a-kind Sound Sculpture” for one lucky backer. That’s still available too!

MAJOR thanks to the excellent circuit-bending blog GetLoFi.com for pushing over our $1000 goal. With their very generous contribution, they’ve become an official sponsor of the Ball alongside Yazoo Brewing Company and Brick Factory Nashville. GetLoFi is hosting a U.S. tour in October, featuring Talking Computron and The Ring Toss Twins. They’ll also be selling some of their unique handmade instruments. One of my favorites is the brilliant NES Guitar.

Check the tour schedule to see if they’re coming to a town near you!

Sep 112012

Due to popular request, we’ve added a new reward to our Kickstarter campaign: a ticket to the Ball! For $15, you get an advance ticket to the Ball, ensuring your admission in case of a sell out, plus a personalized thank you on TheatreIntangible.com, CircuitBendersBall.com, and the Facebook CBB page, AND your name spoken on the Theatre Intangible podcast covering the Circuit Benders’ Ball!

The $15 pledge is a perfect way for those already planning on attending to show their support. Donate here.

We’ve also dropped the price of the $40 pledge rewards to $35! For $35, you get a ticket upgrade to VIP status and a special handmade VIP badge, featuring an LED light and to-be-announced coolness. VIP access gets you into the artist green room full of free drinks and munchies. You also get a cd or tape from one of the CBB participants, including Robbie Hunsinger, Tony Youngblood, Brain Lesion, and more PLUS all rewards from the previous award limits! If you can’t attend the Ball, you can request an additional cd or tape. Donate here.

What’s better, if you’ve already donate at or above these values, you will still get the newly-announced goodies!

Shipping is FREE for all rewards!

Spread the word by telling all your friends and posting the Kickstarter campaign link on your Facebook page and Twitter feed: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tonyyoungblood/2012-circuit-benders-ball-nashvlle/