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Jan 152011

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to witness a Theatre Intangible improv taping? Ok, pretend that you’ve wondered it. Pretend that you desire it with every fiber of your mortal being. I have news that will make your pretend self go bonkers.

Sunday evening, Theatre Intangible is taping THREE improv podcasts live at Betty’s Bar & Grill. Yes, three. I will allow a moment for your pretend self to stop hyperventilating. (Take deep breaths, and if that doesn’t work, call pretend 911.)

Starting at 9:30ish, we’ll be taping the following groups:

Group A:
Leslie Keffer
Scott Martin (Lambchop, Cortney Tidwell)
Derek Schartung (Taiwan Deth, Mallochio)
Ben Marcantel (Forrest Bride)

Group B: (At least three of the following)
Rhendi Greenwell
Lawrence Crow
Robbie Hunsinger
Stephen Molyneux (Horsehair Everywhere)
Tommy Stangroom (Square People)

Group C:
Lazer Slut
Unicorn Hard-On

I can’t tell you how excited I am about this show! Thanks to Leslie for helping put this together. The improvs will be unpredictable and potentially amazing. Come on out to Betty’s and party with us!

Betty’s Bar & Grill
Sunday, January 16th 2011
407 49th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37209
(615) 297-7257

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