Continuing with their Indeterminacies series, Zeitgeist Gallery is hosting composer Mark Snyder and moderator Jonathan Marx tonight at 6pm. More details at the Facebook Indeterminacies page.
Austin Alexander wrote a great writeup about the show at his blog.
In case you missed it before, check out Theatre Intangible’s exclusive interview with Zeitgeist Gallery about the Indeterminacies series.
Mark Snyder is a composer, performer and teacher living in Florence, Alabama. Mark has written for orchestra, choir, wind ensemble, various chamber combinations, multi-media, film, theatre and dance. His music has been performed throughout the United States, Argentina, Europe, New Zealand, Taiwan and selected for festivals and conferences that include Third Practice, ElectrMarkSnyder.comMarkSnyder.comonic Music MidWest, National Flute Association, North American Saxophone Alliance, SCI, SEAMUS, Ocean, Imagine and the Imagine 2 Electro-Acoustic Festival which Mark founded and directed. His work has been supported by generous grants from several organizations including the National Endowment for the Arts. As a performer, Mark has recorded and toured the U.S. with with an eclectic list of ensembles: One Ring Zero, Dirtball, Edison’s Talking Machine, Nature Boy Explorer, Amorphic Revelation, Easy Chair, Spike the Dog, Klezalachia, GB, J. D. Hutchinson, and Billy Rhinehart. Mark is currently Assistant Professor of Entertainment Industry at the University of North Alabama where he directs the Electroacoustic Juke Joint. Dr. Snyder earned his D.M.A. from the University of Memphis, an M.M. from Ohio University and a B.A. from the University of Mary Washington.
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