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Dec 192013
Still from Age video "0vent" https://vimeo.com/57746407

Still from Age video 0vent .

Here’s Theatre Intangible podcast 107: Age Artist showcase, recorded on March 30th, 2013.

Age is the “horizontal sound composition process” of Josh Gumiela and Luke Rainey, and it’s based around a very innovative technique. One artist presents a sound. The other samples that sound and alters it in some way – perhaps speeding it up, slowing it down, degrading it, or chopping it up. The first artist then samples the altered sound. The other artist then samples the altered altered sound. And so on. Soon the sound becomes unrecognizable and the improv progresses in an indeterminate direction, much like the pointer of a Ouija board.

Age performed this improv in the afternoon. They left their gear set up and performed live later in the evening as a part of a lineup also including Brady Sharp and Lyrebird. I also recorded Age’s live performance, and you can download it here.