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Feb 272014



Chicago new media artists Nick Briz and Jon Satrom will be in Nashville today through March 3rd for a Watkins College visiting artist series. On Friday, February 28th at 7:30 p.m., Watkins professor Morgan Higby-Flowers is bringing them to Noa Noa for a NO MEDIA show.

NO MEDIA is, as its website states, “an open improvisational realtime/performance media art event.” By “open,” they mean ANYONE can participate, including you. All types of expression are welcome, including music making, acting, dance, singing, visual art, poetry, storytelling, puppetry, etc.

Here’s how it works. When you arrive, you put your name in a hat. The hosts then draw three names. If your name is called, you have two minutes to prepare. Then you perform for 10 minutes with your two randomly-chosen collaborators. This is repeated until all the names are drawn. No documentation is allowed. It happens once and in realtime.

What makes this particular NO MEDIA event special is the fact that NO MEDIA co-creator Nick Briz will be performing alongside the locals.

If you use Facebook, you can find out more on the Facebook event page. If you’re interested in performing, contact Morgan at mhigbyflowers@gmail.com.

This is part of RipZipRarLANd, a four-day series sponsored by Watkins College featuring Briz and Satrom. The series also features lectures, workshops and a gallery opening. Check out the full schedule on the RipZipRarLANd Facebook event page.

Friday, February 28th, 7:30 p.m., free
@ Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203

BYOB. Park in driveway or surrounding business lots.

Cat GIF by Morgan Higby-Flowers.

Feb 262014


Here’s Theatre Intangible episode 110: Hertenstein/Hunt/Sevits, recorded on September 13th, 2013.

Joe Hertenstein is a New York City-based drone/avant-garde/free improv drummer, originally hailing from Germany. He’s played with heavy hitters such as Mat Maneri, Anthony Coleman, Ken Filiano, Frank Gratkowski, Jon Irabagon, Achim Tang, Mikko Innanen, Todd Neufeld, Simon Jermyn, and Thomas Heberer.

How did this all come together? Double-bassist and Theatre Intangible participant Thomas Helton e-mailed me a few days before, letting me know Joe Hertenstein, the drummer in his new trio, was passing through Nashville and might be persuaded to perform. By a stroke of good fortune, I had a show booked at Noa Noa for the upcoming Friday with British noise artist Freudian Slit, the Nashville electronic duo Age, and Knoxville multimedia artists Virginia Griswold abd Morgan Higby-Flowers. Joe agreed to perform, and trumpet player Jamison Sevits and double-bassist Randy Hunt came on board to form an extemporaneous trio.

Everything was falling into place. Now we just needed a set of drums.

Joe wasn’t traveling with a set. My roommate Tommy’s set was with him at a show across town. We decided to Frankenstein together a set using Tommy’s spare drums, broken cymbals, and various bits of metal and wood laying around the basement. A lamp served as a cymbal stand. And yet Joe, Jamison and Randy took this limitation and turned it into something magical.

I also recorded the performances of Freudian Slit, Age, and Virginia and Morgan, and I’m including those recordings as free downloads directly below. I’m also embedding videos that Josh Gumiela recorded of the performances. As always, the podcast itself is in the player at the very bottom of the article. Enjoy.

Right click to download, middle mouse click to stream:
Freudian Slit live at Noa Noa
Age live at Noa Noa
Virginia Griswold and Morgan Higby-Flowers live at Noa Noa

Feb 212014
Logo by Rachel Briggs.

Logo by Rachel Briggs.

The Circuit Benders’ Ball festival of free culture, art, music and the creative spirit is a labor of love. This year we received so many great applications from makers from around the globe that we’re considering expanding to an entire weekend of panels, workshops, art exhibits and performances. But in order to bring these artists to Nashville, we need your support.

Individuals can support the Ball by donating to our Kickstarter, which in just four days is halfway to our first goal.

Businesses can sponsor the Ball through a number of opportunities outlined below. If you have another idea in mind, let us know by contacting me at tony@theatreintangible.com, and we’ll work with you to create a custom sponsorship. Custom sponsorship ideas include providing equipment or concessions and underwriting a specific workshop, artist, or presentation.

We are also interested in teaming up with local universities and tech companies to sponsor specific artists. In this scenario, the artist would also lead a discussion, performance, and/or workshop at your school or business.

Your sponsorship dollars go toward:

  • Artist compensation and travelling expenses
  • Sponsoring Nashville Title I high school and middle school students to attend CBB workshops and presentations.

Below are the main funding levels.* Thank you for your consideration!

Presenting Sponsor – $2,000 to $5000 – 1 available

  • Designation as the“Presenting Sponsor” of the 2014 Nashville Circuit Benders’ Ball.
  • “Presented by” (your name and logo) on all advertising, social media, schedules, official program, and signage materials. Your business will be the first sponsor listed and in the biggest print.
  • License to use Circuit Benders’ Ball event logo and images for the your promotion, advertising, or other leverage activities.
  • One of the organizing directors will announce your name and thank you during the Ball
  • From this point forward, whenever we mention the Ball in print, we’ll say “The 2014 Nashville Circuit Benders’ Ball presented by (your name)”.
  • Booth space at the event which provides: demonstration, display, sampling and sales opportunities.
  • Link to sponsor’s homepage from the CircuitBendersBall.com and TheatreIntangible.com websites.
  • 12 free festival passes. (Excludes workshops, which have a separate fee.)
  • Acknowledgment during any pre and post Ball events.

Supporting Sponsors – $1000 to $1999 – 5 available

  • Designation as a “Supporting Sponsor” of the 2014 Nashville Circuit Benders’ Ball.
  • Your name and logo listed under “Supporting Sponsors” on all advertising, social media, schedules, official program, and signage materials. This tier will be listed in the second-biggest print directly under the Presenting Sponsor.
  • License to use Circuit Benders’ Ball event logo and images for the your promotion, advertising, or other leverage activities.
  • Booth space at the event which provides: demonstration, display, sampling and sales opportunities.
  • One of the organizing directors will announce your name and thank you during the Ball.
  • Link to sponsor’s homepage from the CircuitBendersBall.com and TheatreIntangible.com websites.
  • 7 free festival passes. (Excludes workshops, which have a separate fee.)
  • Acknowledgment during any pre and post Ball events.

Contributing Sponsors – $500 to $999 – 10 available

  • Designation as a “Contributing Sponsor” of the 2014 Nashville Circuit Benders’ Ball.
  • Your name and logo listed under “Contributing Sponsors” on all advertising, social media, schedules, official program, and signage materials. This tier will be listed in the third-biggest print under the Supporting Sponsors.
  • One of the organizing directors will announce your name and thank you during the Ball.
  • Link to sponsor’s homepage from the CircuitBendersBall.com and TheatreIntangible.com websites.
  • 4 free festival passes. (Excludes workshops, which have a separate fee.)

Friends of the Ball – $125 to $499 – Unlimited

  • Name recognition prior to the event in promotional and marketing materials including: CircuitBendersBall.com, TheatreIntangible.com and social media.
  • Your name (not logo) on main advertising, official program, and main signage materials. This tier will be listed under the Contributing Sponsors.
  • 2 free festival passes. (Excludes workshops, which have a separate fee.)

If you’re interested, contact me at tony@theatreintangible.com. We appreciate your support!

* Funding levels adapted from those of the 2013 Nashville Mini Maker Faire, an event I helped with.