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May 012013

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Here’s episode 96: Cenobium Artist Showcase.

Cenobium is an evolving collective of improv musicians based out of Nashville. Exploring the worlds of post modern jazz and the avant garde, Cenobium pushes the boundaries of improvised acoustic music. For this event, Cenobium took the form as a trio featuring Craig Schenker on saxophone, Randy Hunt on upright bass, and Jamison Sevits on trumpet.

I recorded this performance at Gallery F on October 10th, 2011 as part of the exhibition Scientists and Artists Picture the Intangible. Tim Kaiser, Jeremy Walker, and Santa’s Workshop also performed. We released the Jeremy Walker performance as a free download and the Santa’s Workshop performance as Theatre Intangible episode 75. Thanks for listening.

Apr 302013
John Latartara Indeterminacies. Photo by Kim Sherman.

John Latartara Indeterminacies. Photo by Kim Sherman.

Here’s episode 95: John Latartara Indeterminacies, recorded November 8th, 2011 at Zeitgeist Gallery in Nashville, TN as a part of their Indeterminacies series.

Indeterminacies is a series of performances organized by Zeitgeist Gallery‘s Lesley Beeman and Lain York. It’s based on John Cage’s idea about creating processes with no predetermined outcome, welcoming the unexpected and learning from the accidental.

John Latartara is associate professor of music theory and music technology at the University of Mississippi and a composer who specializes in the use of computer technology to create music. He has music released on the Centaur, Sachimay, and Visceral Media record labels.

The piece he performed at Zeitgeist deals with the issues of God, Transience, and Death. John combined interviews he conducted and otherworldly-sounds generated on his laptop. You can see an excerpt of the performance in the video below. The piece is the basis for a new album he’s currently working on. During the performance, John projected video art by his college at Ole Miss, Brooke White. Thanks for listening!

Apr 292013

Now that I finally have some free time on my hands, I’m releasing all the podcasts that have been patiently waiting in the queue. Here’s episode 94: Softly, Gently, starring Jesse Kenas Collins, Lawrence Crow, Brady Sharp, Stephen Molyneux and Jeremy Bennett, recorded on June 08th, 2012 at Noa Noa.

Boston experimental multi-instrumentalist Jesse Kenas Collins came to Noa Noa last year to perform a bill with keyboardist Lawrence Crow and guitarist Brady Sharp. See an excerpt of Jesse’s solo performance in the video below. After their respective sets, they combined with Horsehair Everywhere‘s Stephen Molyneux and Lyrebird’s Jeremy Bennett to perform this textural improv. I did the recording, live mixing, editing, and mastering. Thanks for listening!

Apr 282013

Here’s Theatre Intangible podcast 93: Evans/Laplante/Schenker/Sevits, starring Peter Evans, Travis Laplante, Craig Schenker, and Jamison Sevits.

New York free improvisation artists Peter Evans and Travis Laplante performed a show at Noa Noa on May 15th, 2012 organized by Nashville’s Craig Schenker. See excerpts of their solo sets in the videos below. After the show, we recorded this incendiary improv, featuring Peter Evans on trumpet, Travis LaPlante on saxophone, Craig Schenker on saxophone, Jamison Sevits on trumpet, and all four on various woodwinds. I did the recording, live mixing, editing, and mastering.

Travis LaPlante plays in the band Little Women, as a solo saxophonist, and with the tenor saxophone quartet Battle Trance. His solo album Heart Protector released to rave reviews in 2011, and Little Women’s brand new album Lung is available now at aumfidelity.com.

Peter Evans plays with the Peter Evans Quartet, International Contemporary Ensemble, Alarm Will Sound, Continuum, and Ensemble 21, as a solo saxophonist, and with many jazz luminaries, including Peter Brotzmann, Evan Parker, Mary Halvorson Fred Frith, and Weasel Walter. He just released the debut recording of his “Zebulon” trio with John Hébert and Kassa Overall, recorded at and named after the now defunct Brooklyn club. It’s available on MoreIsMoreRecords.com.