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Sep 042012

I’m honored to present the lineup for the 2012 Circuit Benders’ Ball Nashville, taking place September 29th at Brick Factory Nashville! Workshops at 10am, music at 8pm.

2012 Performers:

  • Hadals – Nashville / Montgomery, AL


  • Chip to be Square: Build Your Own Synth w/ Josh Gumiela. 10am – 1pm
  • Intro to Circuit Bending w/ Roth Mobot. 2pm-5pm
  • Build a Buckawatt Bent Boost Kit w/ Zach Adams. 5:30pm-7pm

Visual artists: Lineup coming soon!

Roth Mobot

Our featured guests this year are the Chicago, Illinois circuit bending duo Roth Mobot (Patrick McCarthy, Tommy Stephenson).  They are, in my opinion, the artists most likely to make circuit bending a household term. In addition to creating brilliant circuit bent instruments and putting on phenomenal live shows, Roth Mobot conduct educational workshops in schools, hackerspaces, museums, and other community spaces. Education and empowerment through hands-on learning are incredibly important to them. Hear what Patrick McCarthy has to say on this subject in the opening to the Experimental Garage Sale Theatre Intangible podcast.

We’ll be launching our Kickstarter campaign tomorrow in an effort to raise funds for band compensation, travelling expenses, and set decoration. Watch this space for that announcement!

We’re partnering with The Skillery to sell workshop tickets. Workshops are limited to 15 people per workshop and will be sold in advance. I’ll let you know as soon as tickets become available.

Check out our video promo:


Aug 302012

Have you been salivating over a 3D printer? Now’s your chance to build one in a group setting for the relatively inexpensive price of $950. Make no mistake, $950 is a serious wad of cash.  But when you consider that the MakerBot Replicator, one of the lowest-priced pre-built 3D printers, costs $1,749, $950 starts to sound like a bargain.

Local hackerspace Hacker Consortium is teaming up with the Memphis hackerspace Midsouth Makers for a weekend build-a-thon of the RepRap Prusa Mendel. They don’t have a date set for the build yet, but it will most likely be in November. If you’re interested, contact the Hacker Consortium at info at hackerconsortium dot com or hit up os1r1s in the #hackerconsortium Freenode channel.

Here are the details from Hacker Consortium’s MudFlap:

The Memphis Makers are considering doing another high end plastic 3d printer buildoff.  They will print the parts, laser cut other parts, order all electronics and mechanical parts in bulk.

They then come to Nashville for a weekend, and assist each person in the soldering, construction, debugging of hardware/software. By the end of the weekend you will have a fully functional 3d plastic printer.

The cost is $950, which gets you a heated bed, precision bearings, and various other tweaked out parts for precision.


Aug 262012

Much to my dismay, I was performing at Cafe Coco last night while Jason Lescalleet, Todd Gerber, and Ephemeral Throne blew minds at Brick Factory Nashville. So I was very happy to learn that Todd recorded his set and posted it on his Soundcloud page! Check it out. It’s fantastic!