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May 242012

Man Forever (photo by Joshua Bright)

Saturday at Noa Noa (house), we have a very special treat for drum fans: MAN FOREVER, the solo project of Oneida drummer John Colpitts (AKA Kid Millions), will perform on the back porch! If you don’t know Colpitt’s unique style of drumming, check out the clip below. Man Forever just released a new album on Thrill Jockey. Buy it here.

Rick Moody of therumpus.net says of the project:

Kid Millions, who, as drummer, is unsurpassed in his generation, finds an opportunity with slippery polyrhythmical approaches here, as if to say that the human drummer is the thing that is most controversial in the age of the click track, so there’s no pulse, no melodic home, no melody at all, really, just the thunderous ebbing and flowing of multiple rolls and fills…

Also on the bill are the always amazing SQUARE PEOPLE and Knoxville’s WHITE GREGG, described by Eric Dawson as, “postpunk, no wave, Beefheart and whatever U.S. Maple and Storm and Stress were (sort-of-but-not-really math rock) are all reference points, sometimes all within one song.” Any band that draws comparisons to Captain Beefheart, U.S. Maple, and Storm & Stress are ok in my book.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Party at 8pm, music at 9 sharp on back porch
$5 to touring bands, byob, bring your own lawn chair, all ages

Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

May 222012

Kendall Station

It’s fitting that today’s Google Doodle is a playable, multi-track recordable Moog synthesizer in honor of Bob Moog’s 78th birthday. I was just using the search engine to look up information about KENDALL STATION, a Minneapolis electronic artist who loves analog synths. He’s playing Noa Noa this Friday. As his bio reads, “Delving always deeper into the geekery of analog synths and visions of a cybernetic future, he still brings an element and humanity and nostalgia to his work.”

Come celebrate Bob Moog’s birthday with a night full of synth-filled music. Also on the bill are Luke Rainey’s circuit-bent project GRAND REALITY and TI Participant FOSTER DAD.

Show starts at 8pm on the back porch of Noa Noa house. $5 cover to the touring band. Bring your friends. Bring refreshments. Bring a lawn chair.

More info on the Facebook event page.

May 25th, 8pm
Kendall Station, Grand Reality, Foster Dad

Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

May 222012

Teaadora Nikolova

As Bowl of Dust quipped, Athens, Georgia’s BIRD NAMES, “remains an enigma of cross-category psychedelic multi-fi mayhem.” They’re passing through Nashville on Wednesday, May 23rd as the core version featuring David Lineal and Phelan Lavelle.

Also performing is the jaw-droppingly-beautiful music of  TEAADORA NIKOLOVA. The Bloomington-Normal songwriter is an incredibly rare talent. Years from now when this diamond-in-the-rough has attained  cult status, you’ll hate yourself for missing this show. Words won’t do. Hear for yourself in the video below.

The bill also features SQUARE PEOPLE and CHRISTLOVE. Starts at 10pm at the infamous Melrose Billiards. Cover is an any-sized donation to the touring bands. Don’t miss this one!

I talked with Bird Names about songwriting, recording, cricket sound effects, and life on this Theatre Intangible podcast. Check it out.

More info on the Facebook event page.

2600 Franklin Pike, Nashville, TN 37204

May 172012

The Tim Kaiser show on May 7th brought out a huge crowd and, in particular, some talented photographers. Here’s a media repository of their work. I’ll update as new photos come in.

Big thanks to Pimpdaddysupreme for filling in an open spot on the schedule at the last minute with an AMAZING set.


Brick Factory Nashville. Photo by Andy Alexander.


Aether Jag. Photo by John Brassil


Pimpdaddysupreme. Photo by John Brassil


Good Rester. Photo by Skipp Frazier.


Gerber & Gerber. Photo by Skipp Frazier


Tim Kaiser. Photo by Skipp Frazier.



“Tim Kaiser, Gerber & Gerber, Good Rester, Aether Jag, and Pimpdaddysupreme live at Brick Factory Nashville 2012-05-07. Photos by Skipp Frazier and Andy Alexander. More coming soon.”

From Tim Kaiser, Gerber & Gerber, Good Rester, Aether Jag, posted by Tony Youngblood on 5/10/2012 (51 items)

Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher