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May 232015
Jill Burton and Misha Feigin. Image courtesy of FMRL.

Jill Burton and Misha Feigin. Image courtesy of FMRL.

There are few opportunities in Nashville to see free-improvising movement artists or Russian guitar virtuosos. To see them perform as a duet? Well, that just never happens. Except tonight at Portland Brew.

FMRL Arts presents the accomplished performance artist, extended vocalist, and energy worker Jill Burton and Moscow guitarist and free jazz/folk artist Misha Feigin. The Cherry Blossoms’ John Allingham will also perform. Watch the videos below to see what you’re in for. More info on the Facebook event page.

MRL Presents Jill Burton and Misha Feigin with John Allingham
Saturday, May 23rd, 2015, 9 p.m.
@ 12 South Portland Brew, 2605 12th Ave S, Nashville, Tennessee 37204

May 012015



Watkins professor Morgan Higby-Flowers organized a weekend residency with School of the Art Institute of Chicago professor James Connolly, who creates instruments by hacking old audio/visual equipment. On Saturday, May 2nd at Coop Gallery in the Arcade, Connolly will perform RGB.VGA.VOLT, a work performed on a synthesizer made from cathode ray tube monitors. According to Connolly, the synthesizer was inspired by Nam June Paik’s television synthesizers and the early video synth, the Sandin Image Processor.

There will be two performances: one at 7 p.m. and another at 8 p.m. While you’re at the Arcade, enjoy the rest of the Downtown Art Crawl. Joe Nolan at the Nashville Scene has the details on the rest here.

Apr 112015


Whoa! Trevor Watts and Veryan Weston will return to Nashville tonight for an intimate performance at Emma Bistro, presented by FMRL Arts (Chris Davis and Tate Eskew). They performed a jaw-dropping set 3 years ago at the Downtown Presbyterian Church, and I got it all on tape. Listen to it here: Trevor Watts and Veryan Weston Artist Showcase.

This time around, they’re joined by the phenomenal free-improv pedal steel guitarist Susan Alcorn. Three virtuoso performers in one night in the most comfortable performance space in Nashville. Don’t miss this!

FMRL presents Trevor Watts/Veryan Weston and Susan Alcorn
April 11th, 2015, 8 p.m. doors, 9 p.m. show, $20
@ Emma Bistro, 11 Lea Avenue, Nashville, TN

Apr 032015


Tonight at the 12 South Portland Brew coffeehouse, FMRL is presenting Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel with Randy Hunt.

Atlanta’s Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel makes pretty amazing ambient, space-like music, but don’t take my word for it. Check out their live video below.

Randy Hunt is a badass upright bass player who has appeared on the Theatre Intangible podcast many times. Check him out on Episode 110: Hertenstein/Hunt/Sevits.

FMRL presents Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel w/ Randy Hunt
Friday, April 3rd, 2015, 9 p.m., $8
@ 12 South Portland Brew, 2605 12th Ave S, Nashville, Tennessee 37204