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Jul 202011

On September 8th, 2008, I stood in the WRVU master control room next to three completely nude string players. I was more than a little worried that we were going to get kicked off the air. Sure, the web cam had yet to be installed. Sure, there were no “official” clothing policies. Yes, it was 1AM in a deserted building. But this WAS WRVU we were talking about. Board members were scared to death of the FCC, and they exercised the chilling effect with a hypochondriac’s eye for detail.

The avant-jazz improv outfit  CJ BOYD SEXTET (now the KIRTAN CHOIR) were in town for a performance at Cafe Coco. They liked playing nude. Who was I to get in the way? We commandeered the studio at 1am Monday morning to record the very first artist showcase on Theatre Intangible. Regulars Lola Koeune and Melody Holt (The Violet Vixen) joined members CJ Boyd, Lauren Eison, Noah Peacock for the third and final segment. The results are quite beautiful.

And thankfully, we didn’t get kicked off the air. That would come later for Get It On with Dave Cloud.

CJ Boyd later released this session as a cd called Deep in the Outside. The image above is the cover. You can purchase it on the Kirtan Choir Bandcamp page.

Lola Koeune just released a new solo cd titled Ha Na Na Na available on CD Baby and Amazon. I’ve been listening to it nonstop for 2 weeks. It’s by far my favorite release of the year. If there’s one T.I. participant who has the potential for super-stardom, it’s Lola. Do yourself a favor and buy the new cd.

CJ plays bass guitar, harmonica, boomwhackers, beatbox, and sings; Lola sings and plays kalimba; Lauren plays violin and sings; Noah plays the tender train box, other small percussion, acoustic guitar, and sings; Melody Holt sings.