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Feb 232010

Lest you think it’s all trophies and roses here at Theatre Intangible, we bring you an episode from our original incarnation, ~ORE~ Prefab Audio Extrapolations.  Tonight’s episode is called Menial.  Our idea was to interview various workers and pontificate about what it means to work menial jobs.  Somehow, the point got muddled by “investigative” journalism on how my roommate Jason and I were gay.

I know.

We recorded this episode way back in 1999 on the campus of Southern Illinois University at the student station WIDB.  It is not one of ~ORE~’s proudest moments.  But what can I say?  I’m a masochist.  And a sadist.  Which is why I’m offering it up for you fine people.


  • startlingmoniker

    Yeah, this is a terrible episode, in pretty much every sense of the word. And it’s not even bad in an enjoyable way, like a kung-fu movie or spray “cheese”– it just sucks. Seriously, you’d be better off downloading all one-and-a-half gigs worth of the Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures live action television show, located here: http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/2112582/3526518/