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Jun 192014



As I wrote last week, Noa Noa house will be going on hiatus for a while. The final show will be Saturday, June 21st and will feature Louisville’s Cher Von, NYC’s AllOne, Regdar and the Fighters, and Mr. Collins’ Bollocks. The lineup was organized by Regdar’s Stephen Smith.

If you read this blog much, you know how much I love Cher Von. She recently performed an amazing improv at the 2014 Circuit Benders’ Ball. Now come see her perform her looped pop oddities before she’s a mega-star.

I don’t know a great deal about AllOne, but his Bandcamp says he’s an,  “experimental hip-hop lyricist, performance poet, singer/songwriter, author, and beat-boxer.”

Regdar and the Fighters is a duo featuring robot / Dance Dance Revolution pad Regdar and his human “fighter” Stephen Smith. Stephen does a lot of good things for Nashville’s music scene, and he was a huge help with previous Circuit Benders’ Balls.  He’s organizing the music for the 2014 Nashville Mini Maker Faire, and I’m excited to see what he will bring.

Mr. Collins’ Bollocks is a Genesis cover band, yes, GENESIS!, by local photographers Ray and Wendy. They had me at Genesis cover band.

For more info, check the Facebook event page.

Cher Von, AllOne, Regdar and the Fighters, Mr. Collins’ Bollocks
Saturday, June 21st, 2014, doors at 8:30 p.m., show at 9 p.m. sharp., $5 to touring bands

@ Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203

Park in driveway and surrounding business lots.