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Jun 012011

There’s something very refreshing in Brooklyn band YVETTE’s spare, distant mic-ed avant-garde rock. Something is brewing. The energy of their self-titled, 4-song 7 inch is reminiscent of the early recordings of SONIC YOUTH or BLONDE REDHEAD; and to me that makes them far more interesting. Potential coming together. This Friday at Betty’s Grill, you’ll have a chance to see them release that energy live in person.

Nashville’s TROPHY WIFE reminds me of THE SHAGGS (and I mean this as high praise) — but not because they’re both three-piece all-female rock bands. Both bands have seemingly–incongruent rhythm that just works. For THE SHAGGS, you could say this was charmingly unintentional. But TROPHY WIFE know exactly what they’re doing. I look forward to seeing this band evolve.

I hadn’t heard of CONESTYLE until 5 minutes ago, but I may already be in love. Pair drums with catchy melodies emanating from what sounds like a Casio toy keyboard, and you have instant magic. No guitars. No vocalist. Simple and effective.

And then there’s this little solo thing called ADVENTURE BOMB that may or may not be a certain Theatre Intangible blogger in disguise. This “person in question” takes live samples from the audience and the other bands on the bill and creates an on-the-spot set — in effect, sampling the night. Ok, you figured me out. It’s me! I really need to make a web page for this project. 🙁

Hope to see you at the show!

“YVETTE are the hard-edged, ultraviolent, spooktacular response to years of the fluttery squish of Animal Collective and HEALTH. Built on the barely legible guitars of Noah Kardos-Fein and the heavily effected drums of Bloomington transplant Rick Daniel, Yvette use the powers of distortion and flange for evil instead of good. Their debut 7″ (hand screen-printed, limited to 350) is four songs that turn the noise-clatter of This Heat and the drummier brumble of mid-’00s Liars into a near-industrial churn. Side-B opener ‘With Fangs’ is a steely-eyed Neubaten pulse tweaked out into a squelchy blast of cheery Aa-styled abandon.” – Christopher Weingarten, Village Voice “Sound of the City” 9/30/10

Friday, June 3rd, 9ish
Betty’s Grill, Nashville, $3-5 donation to touring band