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Jan 152015
Poster by Joseph Allred

Poster by Joseph Allred


Yes, you heard right. Noa Noa is back. Well, for one show at least. My partner in crime Erica Ciccarone organized a show for her old New York City friend Mishka Shubaly. Mishka has been blowing up lately. Kindle Singles bestsellers. Touring with comedian Doug Stanhope. Releasing his new album Coward’s Path.

If you aren’t familiar with Mishka, watch this video for a quick primer:

Also performing is Seattle-based songwriter Star Anna, who has a killer voice and a great songwriting talent. Here she is performing with Mark Pickerel from the Screaming Trees:

The show also features Joseph Allred, for my money one of the most talented musicians in Tennessee. Here he is performing at Noa Noa in 2013.

Don’t miss this! This is probably your only chance to see a Noa Noa show in 2015. More info on the Facebook event page.

Mishka Shubaly / Star Anna / Joseph Allred
Friday, January 16th, 2015, doors at 8:30 p.m., show at 9p.m.
@ Noa Noa (house), 620 Hamilton Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203

Donations to performers encouraged. Park in driveway or surrounding business lots.