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Jul 032015
New WeHo venue.

New WeHo venue?

Kathryn Edwards of The Other Booking and former resident at Nashville house venue The Other Basement just signed the lease on a Third Avenue South property adjacent to Houston Street. (Check out the profile I did of Kathryn at Nashville Arts Magazine.) The block was formerly residential, but it’s all being rezoned for commercial use, thanks to the efforts of the owners of a coffeehouse being built across the street.

The venue will be a valuable asset to the Wedgewood/Houston community. While we have many art galleries, a record company, and a record pressing plant, we still don’t have a full time concert venue in the neighborhood. Edwards is one of the most passionate and hardworking show bookers in Nashville, and there’s no one better suited to the task. She’s raising funds at IndieGoGO, and anything you can throw in would be greatly appreciated. There are only four days left in the campaign, so give now.