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Feb 142014

Great Valley Wizards of Camelot

My roommate Tommy Stangroom booked a great rock and roll lineup at Noa Noa house for Saturday, February 15th.

The bill features Vermont’s Great Valley, Vermont transplants Spacemen Saturday Night, and a rare performance by the enigmatic Toadies II, featuring Chris Murray on vocals and Tommy on drums.

This will be Tommy’s last show living at Noa Noa, so come show him some love.

More info on the Facebook event page.

Great Valley, Toadies II, Spacemen Saturday Night
Saturday, February 15th, 10 p.m., $5 to touring bands, BYOB

@ Noa Noa (house)
620 Hamilton Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37203

Park in front driveway, street, and surrounding business lots.