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Aug 252013



Professors Morgan Higby-Flowers and Josh Gumiela are organizing a NO MEDIA event for the Clarksville First Thursday Art Walk, and they’re seeking participants. The event is presented by the Austin Peay State University Department of Art. Morgan is a former APSU professor who currently teaches at Watkins University. Josh is a professor in the APSU Department of Art. Check out the APSU press release.

NO MEDIA is an open improvisational realtime/performance media art event conceptualized by Jason SolidayNick Briz and Jeff Kolar.

The concept:

Participating artists are randomly matched in sets of 3 && given 10mins to perform. NO MEDIA aims to bring together artists from a broad range of performable disciplines (poets + dancers + expanded cinemaistas + free jazzers + audio/video noise makers + etc) to challenge the conventions of their practice by responding in realtime to artists from other disciplines.

The Rules:

No Media At The Beginning!
[NO preparation is allowed. Bring your tools, devices, instruments, props, etc., but you’ve got to start with a blank slate. NO time will be allotted for ‘setup’. There will be a 2min turn around time where you can carry your stuff up and meet your collaborators]

No Media At The End!
[NO documentation allowed. It happens once && in realtime.]

The event happens Thursday, September 5th from 6-8pm.  The venue address is:124 Strawberry Alley Clarksville, TN 37040.

If you’re interested in participating, contact Josh Gumiela at joshgumiela@gmail.com.