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Apr 032015


Tonight at the 12 South Portland Brew coffeehouse, FMRL is presenting Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel with Randy Hunt.

Atlanta’s Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel makes pretty amazing ambient, space-like music, but don’t take my word for it. Check out their live video below.

Randy Hunt is a badass upright bass player who has appeared on the Theatre Intangible podcast many times. Check him out on Episode 110: Hertenstein/Hunt/Sevits.

FMRL presents Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel w/ Randy Hunt
Friday, April 3rd, 2015, 9 p.m., $8
@ 12 South Portland Brew, 2605 12th Ave S, Nashville, Tennessee 37204

Mar 062015


New York City jazz-rock trio Hypercolor will be performing at the 12-South Portland Brew tonight at 9 p.m. The show is presented by FMRL Arts and also features extended-technique guitarist Brady Sharp. On John Zorn’s Tzadik label, Hypercolor features drummer Lukas Ligeti, bassist James Ilgenfritz, and guitarist Eyal Maoz.

Another FMRL Arts must-see. Don’t miss it!

FMRL Arts presents Hypercolor, Brady Sharp
Friday, March 6th, 2015. Doors at 8:30 p.m., show at 9 p.m., $10
@ Portland Brew, 2605 12th Ave S, Nashville, Tennessee 37204

Jan 292015
Mu live at Hive 13, Cincinnati, OH, 2011

Douglas Lucas live at Hive 13, Cincinnati, OH, 2011


I’ve been letting a few great shows slip through the cracks, not as intentional slights but because I’m finding it difficult to keep up with everything under my current day job. Most notably, Mike Kluge hosted another successful Future Night at Queen Arts Collective. Stephen Trageser attended and has a review over at the Nashville Scene.

Tonight, Louisvillian Douglas Lucas (of Mu and the founder of Louisville Experimental Festival) will be back in town to deinstall his amazing art exhibition at Fort Houston. While here, he’s performing again at Betty’s, this time with Brady Sharp, Spirit Iron Knife, and Satan Pubes. If you missed him at the beginning of this month, don’t miss him tonight!

More info on the Facebook event page.

Douglas Lucas, Brady Sharp, Spirit Iron Knife, Satan Pubes
January 29th, 9:30 p.m., $5
@ Betty’s Grill 407 49th Ave N, Nashville, Tennessee 37209

Jan 152015
Cher Von live at Free Form Friday

Cher Von live at Free Form Friday


My day job has prevented me from going into detail about upcoming shows, but I’m trying to at least keep up with announcing them. On Thursday, January 15th, Louisville’s Champion Zoz and Cher Von join Nashville’s Brady Sharp, No Milk, and Satan Pubes.

Chris Davis writes of Champion Zoz on the Facebook event page:

Very much looking forward to Champion ZOZ…a collaborative repertory plumbing the songbooks of State Champion‘s Ryan Davis and the mercurial and reliably strange Mikey Turner of ZOZ, Cross, Ma Turner and Warmer Milks.

Former Nashvillian Cher Von is one of my favorite musicians. Hear her on this Theatre Intangible improv. She’ll be accompanied by local keyboardist Matt Endahl.

Check out the artist streams below.

State Champion’s songs can’t be embedded, but you can check them out here.

Champion ZOZ, Cher Von, No Milk, Satan Pubes
Thursday, January 15th, 2015, 9 p.m., $5-$7
@ Betty’s Grill 407 49th Ave N, Nashville, Tennessee 37209