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Sep 162012

Benders’ Ball art directors Megan Kelly and Stephen Zerne have extended the deadline for art submissions to September 21st! We’re looking for electronic or mechanically minded work that would fit well with the theme of circuit bending. It can be 2D or 3D. We have some room set aside for installations. Interactivity and art that produces light or sound are big pluses!

Submissions for music performances and workshops closed August 25th. As much as we’d love additional musicians, our current schedule is pretty tight.

Submit your art proposals to submissions at theatreintangible dot com. Here’s the info we need:

  • The title of your piece
  • Your preferred name or handle
  • A short bio, and any contact information you want to share (website, etc)
  • A short description of the piece
  • Photo(s) of your piece for promotional purposes (web resolution, minimum 500 pixels on the smallest side)
  • The size of your piece(s), length x width and any three-dimensional requirements (height)
  • How your project would ideally be presented (mounted on wall, pedestal/tabletop, hung, etc)
  • Any “special needs” of your piece (does it include sound? Is it projected? Does it need darkness? Do you need external power?)
  • How much time will you need to install the piece?
Sep 112012

Due to popular request, we’ve added a new reward to our Kickstarter campaign: a ticket to the Ball! For $15, you get an advance ticket to the Ball, ensuring your admission in case of a sell out, plus a personalized thank you on TheatreIntangible.com, CircuitBendersBall.com, and the Facebook CBB page, AND your name spoken on the Theatre Intangible podcast covering the Circuit Benders’ Ball!

The $15 pledge is a perfect way for those already planning on attending to show their support. Donate here.

We’ve also dropped the price of the $40 pledge rewards to $35! For $35, you get a ticket upgrade to VIP status and a special handmade VIP badge, featuring an LED light and to-be-announced coolness. VIP access gets you into the artist green room full of free drinks and munchies. You also get a cd or tape from one of the CBB participants, including Robbie Hunsinger, Tony Youngblood, Brain Lesion, and more PLUS all rewards from the previous award limits! If you can’t attend the Ball, you can request an additional cd or tape. Donate here.

What’s better, if you’ve already donate at or above these values, you will still get the newly-announced goodies!

Shipping is FREE for all rewards!

Spread the word by telling all your friends and posting the Kickstarter campaign link on your Facebook page and Twitter feed: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tonyyoungblood/2012-circuit-benders-ball-nashvlle/

Mar 142012

File under: Awesome!

A few weeks ago, Alison Colman of  The Fuse Factory hackerspace in Columbus, Ohio approached me about bringing the Circuit Benders’ Ball to their fair city. As you may remember, The Circuit Benders’ Ball Nashville was a one day festival devoted to the art of circuit-bending. We put it on at Open Lot in October of 2010. Because Open Lot didn’t have a space in 2011, we skipped that year. I’m happy to announce CBB Nashville will be back this year! Details soon.

Alison is organizing a similar event in Columbus for March 31st. She asked me permission to use the name Circuit Benders’ Ball. One of the cornerstones of the new maker movement is open source and a sharing of ideas, so, of course I said yes! If you’d like to organize a Circuit Benders’ Ball in your city, go for it! (And let me know so I can help you promote it!)

The Columbus event is completely independent from the Nashville event. Everything about the show looks amazing. They have a Kickstarter page, and they’ve already met their $1500 goal. But that doesn’t mean the fundraising is over. Everything above $1500 will go toward more performers and workshops, so please contribute.

Here is the roster so far:



6 out of these 7 performers appeared on the Theatre Intangible episode E059 FauxBeAnt Art Fair, and that’s a great place to start learning about what to expect at CBB Columbus.

Here’s the description of CBB Columbus from the Fuse Factory webpage. Road trip anyone?

The Circuit Benders’ Ball Columbus is a one-day event that celebrates the gentle art of tearing apart your electronic toys and gadgets and reconfiguring them into a musical instrument or artwork – i.e. break it to make it. We have invited benders/hardware hackers/sound artists from Ohio and other parts of the mid-west to perform with their circuit bent instruments and lead workshops covering a range of topics pertaining to circuit bending. The workshops, which will take place in the afternoon, range from intro level to advanced and are open to all ages. In the evening, experimental musicians and sound artists will perform with circuit bent instruments, custom-made electronics, and/or battery-powered electronic devices; genres will range from ambient soundscapes to aleatoric noise to EDM influenced grooves.

The all-day event will take place on March 31 2012 at the Columbus Idea Foundry (1160 Corrugated Way, Columbus OH 43202). Workshops will take place from 1pm – 4pm, and performances begin at 7pm (doors open 6pm). Workshop admission $10. Performance admission $10. Folks who preregister for a workshop and preorder tickets for the performance receive a $5 discount.